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Un agent de sécurité sauve un bébé d'une chute
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Inscrit: 18/09/2008 21:28
Post(s): 13825
Karma: 5584
Airport's security officer saves a baby in an amazing catch

A careless father sits his little boy down on a luggage counter in Katowice-Pyrzowice airport and begins to take on his jacket while the kid is slowly leaning more and more forwards. Thankfully, one of the airport's security officers observes the situation and saves the baby from a painful crash with an amazing, volleyball-like dive. This happened on the 23rd of November 2013, but only now was this video released to the public.

Just for the record:
- at 0:22 the baby is handed over to his mother, not the security guard
- the security guard has received a bonus to his salary for his actions

Contribution le : 05/04/2014 16:24

 0  #2
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 10/01/2008 13:31
Post(s): 4693
Karma: 684
heureusement que ses réflexes d'ancien gardien de but ne l'aient pas conduit à dégager.

Contribution le : 05/04/2014 16:29

 0  #3
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 26/11/2005 17:41
Post(s): 47910
Karma: 25907

Contribution le : 05/04/2014 16:30

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