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Intervention d'un policer sur une bagarre entre 2 adolescents
 0  #1
Serial Locker
Inscrit: 22/01/2007 23:42
Post(s): 19100
Karma: 5747
Deux ados se chamaillent, mais l'un d'en eux va commencer à être plus agressif. Un policier va intervenir ! 😃

Contribution le : 18/01/2015 11:15

 0  #2
J'aime glander ici
Inscrit: 20/12/2009 23:27
Post(s): 5167
Karma: 183
Justice est faite 😃

Contribution le : 18/01/2015 11:17

 0  #3
Nyaha c'te plaquage au mur 😃

Contribution le : 18/01/2015 11:40

 0  #4
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 21/05/2009 17:42
Post(s): 3804
Karma: 568
Les apparences peuvent être trompeuses ! 🙂

Citation :
We don't really have context here and we don't really know the back story, but it seems to that the bully was the guy who was being hit, rather then the one who was hitting: the boy who is kicking is saying "quebra eu", asking he guy to beat him up (instead, I assume, of someone else who is weaker).
Also, both the guy who's filming and the guy who's been beaten are making fun of the guy who's beating, saying he smells like "pastel", probably a referring to his job frying/selling "pastéis" ( The "bully" is wearing a typical white shirt and a hat in which we are able to see a logo, probably from the restaurant where he works, and the supposedly "bullied" guy is actually making fun of the "bully" because of his smell.
So it is likely that the "bully" was actually a cool guy who was a) defending someone else who was being bullied by these guys and b) mocked by these asshole because of the way his job made him smell.


Contribution le : 18/01/2015 11:45

 0  #5
J'aime glander ici
Inscrit: 01/09/2013 23:46
Post(s): 8370
Karma: 5229
C'est réglementaire ça comme technique l'étranglement contre un mur ? :lol:

Contribution le : 18/01/2015 11:47

 0  #6
[Compte supprimé]

Contribution le : 18/01/2015 14:54

 0  #7
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 16/05/2006 22:25
Post(s): 12187
Karma: 2736
Ca sent le vécu pour le flic xD

Contribution le : 18/01/2015 15:05

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