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Blind Trust Project
 0  #1
Inscrit: 03/07/2002 23:58
Post(s): 75474
Karma: 37013
Un musulman avec un bandeau sur les yeux à Toronto demande des câlins

Contribution le : 10/02/2015 16:23

 0  #2
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 10/01/2008 13:31
Post(s): 4693
Karma: 684
et boom, il explose. PRANK !

Contribution le : 10/02/2015 16:28

 0  #3
C'est la meilleure couverture au monde!!!

Contribution le : 10/02/2015 16:42

 0  #4
La loi c'est moi
Inscrit: 07/04/2012 19:19
Post(s): 38484
Karma: 19182
la démarche:
"In response to recent hate crime and bullying against Muslims due to islamophobia, we walked the streets of downtown Toronto to see the reactions of Canadians on how Muslims are made to feel because of false media.
The response was touching and inspiring.
We wish to break down barriers and spread awareness about Islamophobia, encourage Muslims to behave as the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught us in kindness and good manners, to teach both extremist muslims and non muslims that violence and terrorism is NOT islam, and we urge non-Muslims to learn about the true Islam. Pick up a Quran and learn for yourselves the truth. People may interpret any faith in how they choose to perceive it, but the Quran is the only unaltered message/scripture."

Contribution le : 10/02/2015 17:04

 0  #5
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 05/12/2009 15:52
Post(s): 13030
Karma: 2527
Citation :

@Volvik a écrit:
et boom, il explose. PRANK !

J'ai honte mais 🔨

Video un peu plus intéressante que d'habitude.

Contribution le : 10/02/2015 17:25

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