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Peinture murale avec un Celeri
 1  #1
La loi c'est moi
Inscrit: 07/04/2012 19:19
Post(s): 38573
Karma: 19276

Peinture murale réalisée par Red Hong Yi, à l'aide d'un pinceauleri, un pinceau celeri 🙂 /me fier de son jeu de mot foireux.

Son explication:

My tool this time? Celery sticks. What did I paint? A bear. Why? Because the bear deserves an Oscar too.
Hah, kidding. Here's my blurb:
Picasso once said that all children are born artists, the problem is how to remain an artist as we grow up. I think we eventually grow out of creativity because we become afraid of making mistakes. For a while now, I've been interested to try painting murals but I've held back because I worry about not being able to create a piece that's good enough. And fear holds us back from being creative.
I tapped into my inner child by experimenting tools that I used as a kid in art class, like stamping with celery sticks. I chose to paint a bear - an animal I used to be afraid of because I had been clawed by a circus bear when I was a kid. The bear represents the fear I have whenever I push myself to create something new, and I've learned that to innovate, I must learn to face that fear. I still think about the circus bear from time to time, and wish that we could have assured each other that there was nothing we had to be afraid of. I'd like to imagine us being friends, perhaps chilling out together with a smoothie.
Thank you Five Plus Smoothie for allowing me to paint your wall and replenishing me with yummy smoothies throughout this project, for Lovebirds Studio for filming this project, for my team (Michael Mack, Rachel Mui, Chui Nee Wong, and Vess Bong) for assisting me, and for those who tuned into live streaming and for those who came by to say hi! #‎FivePlusBear
You can visit the mural at 265 Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne.

Contribution le : 20/03/2016 19:59

 0  #2
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 22/05/2011 19:06
Post(s): 21552
Karma: 18274
Trop cool ! 🙂

Contribution le : 21/03/2016 00:44

 0  #3
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 10/07/2014 18:35
Post(s): 2748
Karma: 2002
Elle a son pti' talent en effet.

Contribution le : 21/03/2016 03:05

 0  #4
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 09/12/2005 16:32
Post(s): 83739
Karma: 8806
j'en connais une qui aurait bien besoin de trouver un mec. 😃

Contribution le : 01/04/2016 00:04

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