Koreus | えぐ dans google translate |
1 #1 |
Inscrit: 03/07/2002 23:58
Post(s): 75422
Karma: 36956 |
Quand tu essaies de traduire えぐ en anglais
J'ai essayé en français et c'est moins marrant えぐ
Contribution le : 13/04/2017 11:07
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Zihark | 0 #2 |
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 02/03/2010 20:17
Post(s): 2616
Karma: 222 |
えぐ = Return ... ... ... えぐ(x5) = DECEARING EGG えぐ(x6) = Delicious breakfast えぐ(x7) = DECEARING EGG えぐ(x8) = Delicious breakfast early evening soup えぐ(x9) = DECEARING EGG えぐ(x10) = Transportation Eastern maple Egg bag えぐ(x11) = DECEAR CLEAR DOWN EGG えぐ(x12) = Delicious antiperspir oeujeugyeu soujoueguen えぐ(x13) = DECEARING EGUEEGEGEGE EGG えぐ(x14) = Delicaceness of deep-sea squeeze trees えぐ(x15) = DECEARING EGG PREPARATION PREPARATION OF EGG えぐ(x16) = Delicious antiperspir oeujeugyeu soujoueguen soujou eekugegu えぐ(x17) = DECEARING EGUEEGEGUGE deep-sea EEGEGEGYE EGGTAG えぐ(x18) = Delicious antiperspir oeujeugyeu soujoueguoku dewaguiguigueguiguigueguiguigueguiguiguiguuguen えぐ(x19) = DECEARING EGG PREPARATION PREPARATION OF EGG えぐ(x20) = Eastern Airlines Transportation Education Transportation Education Transportation Education Transportation Education えぐ(x21) = Dynasty Eastern Airlines Eastern Eastern Antarctica Eastern Antarctica Antarctica Antiguum えぐ(x22) = Eastern Airlines Transportation Education Transportation Educational Transportation Educational Transport Education えぐ(x23) = Dynasty Elements Elements of Ezujoujuu Periodic Deadwoods Eastern Antarctica Antarctica Antarctica Antiguum えぐ(x24) = Eastern Airlines Transportation Education Transportation Educational Transportation Educational Transport Education えぐ(x25) = Dynasty Elements Elements of Ezujoujuu Periodic Elements of Ezujou Ezueguoku Ekogeegu Education Transportation Education えぐ(x26) = Delicious antiperspir oeujeugyeu deejejuguen Eejuguen de l'eige de l'eige de l'eiguet de l'eiguet de l'eiguet de l'eiguet de l'eiguet de l'eiguet えぐ(x27) = Dynasty Dynasty Eastern Eastern European Language Education Transportation Education Airlines Educational Airlines Educational えぐ(x28) = Delicious antiperspir oeujeuguen Eastern Eastern European Eastern European Language Education Transportation Education Transportation Education えぐ(x29) = Dynasty Dynasty Air / Water / Water / Water / Water / Water / Water / Water / Water / Water / Water / Water / Water / Water / Water / Water / Water / Water / Water / Water / Water / Water / / / Ouais j'ai du temps à perdre, mais je regrette pas la 29e. Quelqu'un qui saurait expliqué le phénomène ?
Contribution le : 13/04/2017 11:47
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Variel | 0 #3 |
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 08/01/2009 15:53
Post(s): 15305
Karma: 5462 |
Citation :
Quoique… x1 : astringent x2 : Eguegu x3 : Harsh Eguegu x4 : Eguegu Eguegu x5 : Harsh Eguegu Eguegu Un certain style de son côté.
Contribution le : 13/04/2017 11:58
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