Koreus | [FAIL] Pinata + Quad + Velo tremplin + Wheeling en moto |
1 #1 |
Inscrit: 03/07/2002 23:58
Post(s): 75412
Karma: 36956 |
Un enfant tape un autre enfant avec sa batte
When pinata parties go wrong Quad Fail Not everyday you ask yourself if jumping off the loft is a good idea https://youtu.be/uat06RI7CGk Velo tremplin Fail Biker Bails During Backflip Attempt and Lands Hard on Ramp https://youtu.be/1SfbOBKMbJ4 Wheeling en moto Fail Motorcyclist Attempts Wheelie and Flies Forward https://youtu.be/YdLNH7xYdhU
Contribution le : 10/05/2017 11:46
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