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Un chien pleure sur la tombe d'une grand-mère
 1  #1
Inscrit: 03/07/2002 23:58
Post(s): 75569
Karma: 37106
Wiley un chien husky pleure sur la tombe de la grand-mère 😢

Wiley crying over Grandma

Contribution le : 16/05/2017 22:00

 0  #2
Pitiée, pas encore...

Contribution le : 16/05/2017 22:07

 1  #3
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 08/05/2008 21:13
Post(s): 3542
Karma: 1928
Citation :
Catégorie Humour


Sinon il y a une vidéo plus ancienne :

Elle donne quelques explications car j'avoue que j'avais des doutes et pensais que le chien souffrait d'une pathologie cardio-respiratoire plus qu'autre chose. Mais selon l'auteur, ce n'était pas le cas. Je reste étonné.

Citation :
My wolf-dog, Wiley, crying at my grandmother's graveside at the cemetery 04/14/13
To add some clarification: I am not a vet so I can't say if he's reverse sneezing as some of you are stating. I can tell you that he has never done that before and hasn't done it since. I may be anthropomorphosizing his actions but its how I'm choosing to deal with loss, so deal with it.
Wiley is a therapy wolf-dog who is used to help veterans returning from war with PTSD. He provides therapy and care through a program called Warriors and Wolves.
Also, for those stating he is dying, I promise he's not. We have a veterinarian on staff at the sanctuary and Wiley is just fine. Peace and love peeps

Contribution le : 16/05/2017 22:12

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