Koreus | [FAIL] Lancer + Escalier |
1 #1 |
Inscrit: 03/07/2002 23:58
Post(s): 75417
Karma: 36956 |
Ballon de basket Fail
HALF COURT SHOT BETWEEN THE LEGS FAIL - 962605 Escalier Fail Ryan Broderick - Look, I don't know anything about where this video came from or why any of the things that are happening in it are happening, but it is honestly one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life
Contribution le : 17/11/2017 13:16
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Variel | 0 #2 |
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 08/01/2009 15:53
Post(s): 15305
Karma: 5462 |
2/ DJP (Flemme de chercher, merdalors !)
Contribution le : 17/11/2017 15:21
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FMJ65 | 0 #3 |
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 27/09/2014 10:47
Post(s): 16369
Karma: 5516 |
1. On le voyait à peine venir ......
Contribution le : 17/11/2017 17:00
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