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[FAIL] Muret + Vélo + Pizza + Tête + Cheval
 2  #1
Inscrit: 03/07/2002 23:58
Post(s): 75588
Karma: 37138
Muret Fail

Lad tries to walk along garden wall but trips over and falls face first on the path

Vélo Fail

kid rides bike and front flips over the handlebars

Pizza Fail

girl tries to pick up pizza from the paper and drops it on the floor

Tête Fail

Lad sticks his head out of the window at the wrong time


girl falls off the back of the horse

Contribution le : 17/04/2018 11:00

 0  #2
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 27/09/2014 10:47
Post(s): 16414
Karma: 5537
2. DJP

4. C'est ce qui s'appelle s'en coller une bonne ! 🙂

Contribution le : 17/04/2018 14:04

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