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[FAIL] Marche arrière + Surf + Célébration + Whisky + Palissade
 1  #1
Inscrit: 03/07/2002 23:58
Post(s): 75588
Karma: 37138
Marche arrière Fail

Put it in Race Mode Billy... R stands for Race Mode right? - 993758

Surf Fail

Girl tries to balance on a surfboard but falls and lands front first on it

Fêter un but fail

Lad runs down the garden and falls against the paddling pool when Harry Kane scores at the World Cup

Whisky Fail

Lad opens a bottle of whisky and drops it five seconds later

Palissade Fail

Friends have a relay race and accidentally smash through garden fence

Contribution le : 10/07/2018 09:47

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