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[FAIL] Haltères + Vélo + Omelette + Chien + Snowboard + Chute + Rampe
 1  #1
Inscrit: 03/07/2002 23:58
Post(s): 75586
Karma: 37134
Haltères Fail

Lad tries to lift a heavy weight and fails

Vélo Fail

Lad goes down big dip on bike and flies off on impact

Omelette Fail

Woman tries to flip her omelette and drops it all over the floor

Chien Fail

West Highland terrier with a packet on its head walks into a radiator

Snowboard Fail

Snowboarder tries to grind on rail and flips straight over

Petite Chute

Woman leaves her house and trips over and falls

Rampe Fail

Going to ground on the Underground || Viral Video UK

Contribution le : 27/01/2019 09:49

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