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Futur pilote de F1 + Revolver géant
 0  #1
Inscrit: 03/07/2002 23:58
Post(s): 75548
Karma: 37086
Des enfants jouent à la F1 🙂

Un Polonais a construit le plus grand révolver au monde.

Description YouTube:

A man in Poland has built the world's largest working revolver, according to Guinness World Record. The weapon, a Remington model 1859, was built by Ryszard Tobys, of Piotrowo Drugie, west-central Poland. It took Mr Tobys around 2,500 hours to construct, since most of the parts had to be built by hand. The revolver, whose chamber holds six 136 gram bullets (4.8 ounces), shoots with great accuracy at a range of up to 50 meters.

Contribution le : 10/03/2013 12:32

 0  #2
1)C'est mignon
2)C'est con.

Contribution le : 10/03/2013 19:32

 0  #3
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 09/12/2005 16:32
Post(s): 83651
Karma: 8771
1. il faudra que je me contente de ça cette année vu que les course passeront sur Canal + 😢

Contribution le : 10/03/2013 20:37

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