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Un parapente se déchire en plein vol
 0  #1
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 23/06/2008 19:42
Post(s): 297
2:30 pour les pressés

"The 3rd ever aerobatics tandem test flight with the first U-Turn 'Twin Force' prototype gone terribly bad when all 'A', 'B' and 'C' upper gallery lines snapped under 6 G load of the Infinite Tumbling maneuver. The canopy itself however remained perfectly undamaged.
At the end of the video U-Turn's designer Ernst Strobl tells facts and figures how he already reinforced this very first prototype to stand the load of 10G (!) but despite the large safety margin this incident happened. We never figured how this is physically possible that all those lines snapped instantly together with barely any delay whatsoever. The final product is now built twice as strong as the first one and since then there were absolutely no more issues with the strength of the wing."

Contribution le : 10/04/2014 10:51

 0  #2
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 07/06/2010 12:32
Post(s): 2002
Karma: 120
Bonne petite frayeur la...

Contribution le : 10/04/2014 11:33

 0  #3
J'aime glander ici
Inscrit: 05/04/2007 11:48
Post(s): 8202
Karma: 1358
On a l'impression que son parachute de secours s'ouvre tout seul!

Contribution le : 10/04/2014 11:56

 0  #4
Le bordel de cordes!

Contribution le : 10/04/2014 12:25

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