Invité | Les États-Unis en Defcon 3 |
0 #1 |
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Contribution le : 17/03/2015 09:19
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Poum45 | 0 #2 |
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 03/12/2007 23:03
Post(s): 59592
Karma: 4214 |
Il se dit quoi (Dans les grandes lignes hein ) ?
Contribution le : 17/03/2015 10:31
Les mouches m'agacent mais Le Croco c'est par là |
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Invité | 0 #3 |
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Contribution le : 17/03/2015 11:37
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aioren | 0 #4 |
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Inscrit: 07/09/2004 22:27
Post(s): 14002
Karma: 3937 |
C'est quoi des "skyking" ?
Contribution le : 17/03/2015 11:53
AWARD NATIONALE 2015 : Klaxon |
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Blackjackdavey | 0 #5 |
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Inscrit: 05/01/2010 17:02
Post(s): 10748
Karma: 1080 |
euh t'es au courant que c'est sûrement un gros fake? :roll:
"Basically, yesterday, a private non-government affiliated website called (see their message boards here), which runs an affiliate YouTube channel and Twitter account, stipulated that they were hearing an unusual flurry of activity over the SkyKing/Mainsail USAF channels (specifically 8992.00 kHz and 11175.00 kHz). According to the mission statement of the website, they make assumptions about the DEFCON military readiness of US forces. The USAF channels they were listening in to broadcast SkyKing and Emergency Action Messages and people often associate these messages with increased USAF activity. The messages themselves are usually read out code using NATO call signs, and no-one has really deciphered what they're about. The spike in activity literally occurred within a few minutes of Putin making his re-appearance in Saint Petersburg and the announcement of "snap" Russian military drills near the Arctic. The people who run that website started saying both on their message boards and on their Twitter feed that they had heard indication of some sort of confrontation involving Russian forces near Alaska, again over the same USAF channels. They also say they heard reports of explosions and communication with Alaskan military facilities breaking down. In response to all of this, they brought put their DEFCON level (again based on assumptions) up to DEFCON 4 and then to DEFCON 3. Nothing they have said has been verified, and they have no evidence of what they heard. Indeed, other people listening to the channels said they heard no such indications of any confrontations. Also, people living near military bases in Alaska have said that there doesn't seem to be any abnormal increase in activity. Clearly, all of this hubbub is just based on sensationalism and fabrication. It seems that the people who run that website and Twitter feed just wanted to increases their number of followers." source
Contribution le : 17/03/2015 12:16
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Invité | 0 #6 |
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Contribution le : 17/03/2015 14:42
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aioren | 0 #7 |
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 07/09/2004 22:27
Post(s): 14002
Karma: 3937 |
C'est quoi des "skyking" ?
Contribution le : 17/03/2015 14:46
AWARD NATIONALE 2015 : Klaxon |
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Djizeus | 0 #8 |
J'aime glander ici
Inscrit: 04/02/2005 21:48
Post(s): 5707
Karma: 263 |
Ah c'est pas fini la guerre froide en fait ?
Contribution le : 17/03/2015 14:53
[ˈdʒi:zəs], distributeur de bon Karma. |
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Pl0w_ | 0 #9 |
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 03/09/2011 20:24
Post(s): 1047
C'est quoi des "skyking" ? @SawFinisher30
Contribution le : 17/03/2015 14:53
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Pouip | 0 #10 |
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 18/04/2009 15:48
Post(s): 4243
Karma: 668 |
Citation :
+1 Des "skyking", qu'est ce que c'est ?
Contribution le : 17/03/2015 14:54
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Blackjackdavey | 0 #11 |
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 05/01/2010 17:02
Post(s): 10748
Karma: 1080 |
Si c'était vrai ça m'étonnerait que l'armée communique des informations pareilles non cryptées...
Il y a un grand exercice de l'armée russe en ce comment et c'est bien possible que l'armée américaine en fasse un aussi pour montrer qu'ils sont aussi là. Puis bon les militaires sur internet il y'en a pas mal :lol: Sur reddit des mecs qui se disent aussi de l'armée disent que c'est de la grosse connerie et que l'armée communique pas comme ça. Des Skyking c'est des messages radio cryptés je crois.
Contribution le : 17/03/2015 15:01
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moa56 | 0 #12 |
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 16/12/2013 18:26
Post(s): 1757
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Bientôt, le printemps arrive....ça va chauffer
Contribution le : 17/03/2015 15:58
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Invité | 0 #13 |
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Contribution le : 17/03/2015 21:37
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Invité | 0 #14 |
Bien sûr que c'est un gros fake, c'était issu d'un compte Twitter non-officiel hier matin.
Y a eu trois DEFCON 3 dans l'histoire, le dernier était pour le 11/9. On chie pas un DEFCON 3 pour des mouvements de troupes en Russie.
Contribution le : 17/03/2015 23:19
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Invité | 0 #15 |
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Contribution le : 18/03/2015 08:38
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