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 0  #21
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 09/12/2005 16:32
Post(s): 83701
Karma: 8794
visiblement ce conducteur n'a pas bu, il n'a pas viré au vert. 😃

Contribution le : 02/06/2015 23:53

 0  #22
Citation :

@lvishd a écrit:
Encore heureux que le camion de devant ne transportait pas du caca de porc:-D

Et pourtant...

Citation :
January 2, Shenzhen, was the 310-315 bus rear-end a pull-up truck, the initial suspect is pull Fenju the lane change violations lead to accidents. Of eight passengers on the bus caught confused covered filthy.

January 2, Shenzhen, was the 310-315 bus rear-end a pull truck, initially suspected illegal lane change causing the accident. Of eight passengers on the bus caught confused covered filthy. After the the eastern bus company that immediately sent the car to several "caught" rushed to a nearby hotel bath while for them to get their clothes afterwards given 1000 yuan of economic compensation for each passenger. And the pull Fenju driver has been escaping.

Contribution le : 03/06/2015 09:51

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