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Attraper un poisson à la main en plongeant
 1  #1
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Inscrit: 05/01/2010 17:02
Post(s): 10748
Karma: 1080

Contribution le : 12/02/2016 20:33

 1  #2
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Inscrit: 18/09/2008 21:28
Post(s): 13825
Karma: 5584
Ça a l'air d'être une aiguille de mer.

Two historical deaths have been attributed to needlefish. The first was in 1977 when a 10-year-old Hawaiian boy, night fishing with his father at Hanamaulu Bay, Kaua'i, was killed when a 1.0-to-1.2-metre-long (3.3 to 3.9 ft) needlefish jumped from the water and pierced his eye and brain. The second was a 16-year-old Vietnamese boy, stabbed through the heart by the 15 cm (5.9 in) beak of a needlefish in 2007 while night diving for sea cucumbers near Halong Bay.


J'y aurais pas touché à sa place.

Contribution le : 12/02/2016 20:59

 0  #3
GG la capture, entrainement Koh-Lanta ? 🙂

Citation :

@Leviatan a écrit:
[i]Two historical deaths have been attributed to needlefish. The first was in 1977 when a 10-year-old Hawaiian boy, night fishing with his father at Hanamaulu Bay, Kaua'i, was killed when a 1.0-to-1.2-metre-long (3.3 to 3.9 ft) needlefish jumped from the water and pierced his eye and brain. The second was a 16-year-old Vietnamese boy, stabbed through the heart by the 15 cm (5.9 in) beak of a needlefish in 2007 while night diving for sea cucumbers near Halong Bay.[/i

Les deux accidents se passent de nuit, et c'est un poisson qui nage super vite, donc s'il ne voit pas où il va à la limite ça peut faire une flèche. Mais en dehors de ça c'est franchement inoffensif, on en a aussi en France des aiguillettes (ou orphie), un peu plus petit que ceux-là.

Contribution le : 13/02/2016 10:35

 0  #4
Inscrit: 03/07/2002 23:58
Post(s): 75232
Karma: 36904
Jolie plage, je comprends qu’il ait plongé 🙂

Contribution le : 15/02/2016 18:06

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