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Une pédale de guitare ultra rétro limite steampunk qui fonctionne à la bougie
 3  #1
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 18/10/2007 21:56
Post(s): 4876
Karma: 221

Citation :
ZVEX: Taking a giant leap forward into the past.

The Candela Vibrophase is an audio guitar effect that produces a mono output which creates a realistic 3D rotary speaker effect combined with phasing, wah, vibrato and tremolo effects. This hypnotic sound is produced using no batteries or power supply, merely a candle that drives two solar cells and a Stirling heat engine that spins an optical control disc whose design can be controlled by the user.

Contribution le : 23/02/2016 16:17

 0  #2
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 09/01/2005 01:20
Post(s): 403
Karma: 164
C'est superbe mais sur scène, pas un courant d'air svp!

Contribution le : 23/02/2016 18:55

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