Laabich | 0 #6481 |
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 30/06/2008 21:02
Post(s): 1051
Citation :
Contribution le : 01/02/2010 20:43
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alixoux | 0 #6482 |
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 22/10/2009 19:28
Post(s): 2207
Karma: 181 |
Citation :
*__* j'aime ton humour :lol: EDIT: Citation :
Contribution le : 01/02/2010 20:47
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potexto | 0 #6483 |
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 05/01/2010 18:03
Post(s): 2115
Les blagues les plus courtes sont les meilleures
Contribution le : 01/02/2010 20:58
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Txiii | 0 #6484 |
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 02/08/2004 14:58
Post(s): 12643
Contribution le : 01/02/2010 21:02
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0 #6485 |
Citation :
Le style illettré, c'est volontaire, ou c'est pour aller avec l'humour inexistant ?
Contribution le : 01/02/2010 21:17
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0 #6486 |
Putain, c'est bon de te revoir parmi nous.
Contribution le : 01/02/2010 21:24
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0 #6487 |
Citation :
Contribution le : 01/02/2010 22:06
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0 #6488 |
Contribution le : 01/02/2010 22:07
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angetocard | 0 #6489 |
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 27/06/2006 14:20
Post(s): 20717
Karma: 89 |
Contribution le : 01/02/2010 22:13
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angetocard | 0 #6490 |
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 27/06/2006 14:20
Post(s): 20717
Karma: 89 |
double post dsl
Contribution le : 01/02/2010 22:14
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Escape | 0 #6491 |
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 20/09/2007 17:40
Post(s): 251
Karma: 75 |
Citation :
Euh, c'est tiré du manga Spirale, justement. D'ou le '' c'est du manga d'horreur Spirale ''
Contribution le : 01/02/2010 23:33
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Srash | 0 #6492 |
J'aime glander ici
Inscrit: 28/07/2004 21:05
Post(s): 8128
Karma: 313 |
Contribution le : 02/02/2010 12:42
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Klaus-Mann | 0 #6493 |
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 20/03/2008 00:02
Post(s): 4516
Citation :
Je viens de me le procurer, mais l'image n'est pas dedans. Ça parle d'un gars qui fantasme sur les spirales, et qui crève en se mettant dans un tonneau, voulant imiter une spirale. Il y a certainement plusieurs volumes, je vais chercher. Merci pour le renseignement (et je me fous de l'obviousitude de ma demande :-D) En tout cas, le dessin et le scénario sont de qualité, ca me fait penser à la tête décapitée, de Dajiro MOROHOSHI, qui est vraiment excellent aussi dans le genre horreur/étrange.
Contribution le : 02/02/2010 13:03
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Txiii | 0 #6494 |
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 02/08/2004 14:58
Post(s): 12643
Contribution le : 02/02/2010 14:11
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0 #6495 |
Contribution le : 02/02/2010 17:34
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YggDrasil | 0 #6496 |
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 02/04/2009 19:22
Post(s): 1423
Karma: 154 |
Contribution le : 02/02/2010 19:02
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SakaVin | 0 #6497 |
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 15/10/2009 17:27
Post(s): 1580
Contribution le : 02/02/2010 19:27
Signaler |
Dumnac | 0 #6498 |
Je viens d'arriver
Inscrit: 10/12/2007 16:55
Post(s): 83
Karma: 172 |
Citation :
Il y a eu un long métrage tiré de ce manga (Uzumaki en VO). J'ai jamais vu un film aussi zarb de ma vie O_o. Si vous le trouvez, je vous le conseille quand même rien que pour le trip japan gore staïle ^^ : ppf:
Contribution le : 02/02/2010 20:04
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Rainheart | 0 #6499 |
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 29/05/2005 11:21
Post(s): 334
Contribution le : 03/02/2010 08:13
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0 #6500 |
These 9 drawings were done by an artist under the influence of LSD -- part of a test conducted by the US government during it's dalliance with psychotomimetic drugs in the late 1950's. The artist was given a dose of LSD 25 and free access to an activity box full of crayons and pencils. His subject is the medico that jabbed him.
First drawing is done 20 minutes after the first dose (50ug) An attending doctor observes - Patient chooses to start drawing with charcoal. The subject of the experiment reports - 'Condition normal... no effect from the drug yet'. 85 minutes after first dose and 20 minutes after a second dose has been administered (50ug + 50ug) The patient seems euphoric. 'I can see you clearly, so clearly. This... you... it's all ... I'm having a little trouble controlling this pencil. It seems to want to keep going.' 2 hours 30 minutes after first dose. Patient appears very focus on the business of drawing. 'Outlines seem normal, but very vivid - everything is changing colour. My hand must follow the bold sweep of the lines. I feel as if my consciousness is situated in the part of my body that's now active - my hand, my elbow... my tongue'. 2 hours 32 minutes after first dose. Patient seems gripped by his pad of paper. 'I'm trying another drawing. The outlines of the model are normal, but now those of my drawing are not. The outline of my hand is going weird too. It's not a very good drawing is it? I give up - I'll try again...' 2 hours 35 minutes after first dose. Patient follows quickly with another drawing. 'I'll do a drawing in one flourish... without stopping... one line, no break!' Upon completing the drawing the patient starts laughing, then becomes startled by something on the floor.
Contribution le : 03/02/2010 09:24
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