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My animated world (Stop-motion)
 0  #1
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 05/05/2005 22:53
Post(s): 4348
Une animation d'un néerlandais que je trouve superbe. A tous les coups c'est déja passé vu que ça date (si tel est le cas, je réclame d'avance un "sqwouisch")

Citation :
This Stop Motion Animation takes you into another world. In this world no physical laws count. The only laws that count are the laws of the Animator.
I animated myself through my house and the city of Breda, the Netherlands. It took me 6 months to complete. That is mainly because of the weather. It wasn't always suitable to shoot my scenes.
The song I used is called Chinois by DJ Aphrodite and can be found on the record Aftershock.

lien Youtube

Contribution le : 26/01/2007 18:42

 0  #2
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 30/07/2005 18:04
Post(s): 10380
Désolé Pacha, mais My animated world est déjà passé.

Contribution le : 26/01/2007 18:44

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