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Le narval narvalo, il squatte un banc de belugas pendant 3 ans
 3  #1
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 04/06/2009 04:28
Post(s): 950
Karma: 1402
(narvalo , nom masculin, Argo, de nos jours, narvalo signifie marginal, ou encore fou )

A Narwhal in the St. Lawrence River

"The GREMM research team was filming a group of belugas when they realized a narwhal was amongst them! After the initial excitement of this discovery, our first question was: is this the same individual as the one observed in 2016 and 2017? We therefore landed the drone and took out our camera to take a few snapshopts. After photographing our vagrant as well as his companions from both sides, we were able to confirm that it was indeed the same narwhal!"

En ces temps de questions identitaires, pour ce Narlugas, il s'agit que la question de son identité soit reconnue comme un droit fondamental. 🙂

Contribution le : 15/09/2018 21:28

 0  #2
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 24/02/2009 13:22
Post(s): 20371
Karma: 12741
Manque plus qu'il soit non binaire!

Contribution le : 15/09/2018 21:57

 1  #3
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 26/01/2006 21:50
Post(s): 12683
Karma: 13549
Invoc' @LeNarvalo ^^

Contribution le : 15/09/2018 22:58

 1  #4
Souvent j'ai ce sentiment de côtoyer des gens qui ne sont pas de mon espèce...

Contribution le : 15/09/2018 23:06

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