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[Scrubs] Everything comes down to poo - Guy Love between two guys
 0  #1
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 05/05/2005 22:53
Post(s): 4348
Je sais pas s'il y a d'autre fans de Scrubs ici, mais je viens de regarder l'épisode 6 de la saison 6 (spéciale comédie musicale) et j'ai failli me pisser dessus en voyant ce passage:

Lien Youtube

Les paroles:

Hey Mrs. Miller.
We just need a stool sample.
Why do you need a stool sample if you think I'm just a nut?
Cause the answer is not in your head my dear.
It's in your butt!
You see.
Everything comes down to poo.
From the top of your head to the sole of your shoe.
We can figure out what's wrong with you, by looking at your poo.
Do you have a hemorrhoid or is it rectal cancer.
When you flush your dookie down, you flush away the answer.
It doesn't really matter if it is hard or if it is lose.
We'll figure out what's illing you as long as it's a duce. YES!
Everything comes down to poo.
Everything comes down to poo.
Cardiovascular lymphatic, yes the nervous system too.
All across the nation, we trust in defecation. Everything comes down to poo!
If you want to know what's wrong, don't sit and act so cool.
Just be a man and eat some bread and drop the kids off at the pool.
My stomach hurts.
Check the poo.
I sprained my ankle.
Check the poo.
I was shot.
Check the poo.
A homeless guy was pulling my eye.
Check the poo.
Mine or his?
First him than you.
It may sound gross. You may say shush.
But we need to see what comes out of your tush.
Because,Everything comes down to poo.
Whether it's a tumor or a touch of the flu.
Please warrant your pictures of a big fat clue.
Our number one test is your number two.
If there is no residual match means everything comes down to…
Everything comes down to poo!!!

Ah! j'ai trouvé aussi "Guy love between two guys" (terrible aussi):

Lien Youtube
Sont trop mimis 😃

Les paroles:

Let's face the facts about me and you, a love unspecified, though I'm proud to call you "Chocolate bear", the crowd will always talk and stare.
I feel exactly those feelings, too. And that's why I keep them inside.
'Cause this bear can't bare the world to stay and sometimes it's easier to hide.
Than explain our guy love that's all it is.
Guy love, he's mine, I'm his, there's nothing gay about it, ain't alright?
You asked me about this thing we share.
And he tenderly replies.
It's guy love... between two guys.
We're closer than the average man and wife.
That's why our matching bracelets say "Turk and J.D.".
You know I'll stick by you for the rest of my life.
You're the only man who's ever been inside of me!
Wow, wow I just took out his appendix.
There's no need to clarify.
Oh no?
Just let it grow more and more each day!
It's like I've married my best friend.
But in a totally manly way!
Let's go.
It's guy love, don't compromise, the feeling of some other guy, holding up your heart into the sky.
I'll be there to care to all the lows.
I'll be there to share the highs.
It's guy love between two guys.
And when I say "I love you, Turk", it's not what it implies.
It's guy love between two guys.
No hands!

Contribution le : 21/02/2007 00:13

Edité par stargate sur 17/8/2007 16:50:02

 0  #2
Ahh merci Pacha!
Chaque épisode de Scrubs est un pur moment de joie.

Contribution le : 21/02/2007 00:22

 0  #3
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 09/04/2006 02:09
Post(s): 1899
Karma: 83
Cette série est un concentré d'absurde que j'adore. J'suis allergique aux comédies musicales, et pourtant là j'me suis bien marré 😃

Mici Pacha

Contribution le : 21/02/2007 02:22

 0  #4
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 27/06/2006 14:20
Post(s): 20717
Karma: 89

Contribution le : 21/02/2007 08:44

Edité par angetocar sur 21/2/2007 19:06:47
Edité par angetocar sur 21/2/2007 19:10:04

 0  #5
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 09/12/2005 16:32
Post(s): 83767
Karma: 8815
quand je tombe dessus, je regarde, mais autrement ce n'est pas une série que je suit ( pas que j'aime pas, juste que je n'y pense pas :-? )

Contribution le : 21/02/2007 20:43

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