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Jongler avec des écrans synchronisés
 7  #1
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 29/05/2018 23:33
Post(s): 1694
Karma: 4722
Citation :
I've synchronized the motion of 5 balls across 7 videos playing at the same time across 7 devices. Thanks for watching! Subscribe for more chaotic doodles.

Where do I even begin. I always expect complications to arise in my videos, but this one had a lot of hoops to jump through. There were many chains of a problem arising, I create a solution, that solution creates a new problem, etc.

After I finished creating and editing the 7 videos that play simultaneously together, my plan was to just click play on all of them at the same time and shoot the video. I only had 1 phone, and It's too hard to coordinate borrowing 3 phones from people in the middle of the day for long periods of time. Thankfully, my parents and sister let me borrow theirs while they slept one time. I never went to bed that night. By 7am the next morning, I felt dead and utterly defeated. There were so many inconsistencies in the timing that I never got a good take. After vowing to never pull an all nighter again, I bought 3 Android phones so I wouldn’t have to borrow from anyone. 

Big issue, SYNCHRONIZATION / TIMING seven youtube videos to play at the same time. Sometimes one of the videos would buffer and set it behind, or there would be a difference in the time from click to playback between different devices. One of my solutions was to download the videos so there was no network inconsistencies. This created new problems because of auto-tilt settings on Android. Another solution I attempted was to attach 5 styluses to a yardstick so I could click play all at the same time instead of trying to use my hands (hard to hit all perfectly by hand). This idea failed as well because the material in the styluses sucked and weren’t consistent in clicking on the phones. Finally, I went back and edited the videos to have a staggered intro. This way I was able to memorize the latency in each individual device and correct for it manually. You know how for the countdown in Mario Kart you hit the gas on 2? It’s similar to that. The right screen started 1 second in because the laptop was old and laggy, the tablet had to be clicked on “1”, and the rest were fairly responsive.

Synchronized Screen Juggling (Hand Reveal)

Citation :
I've made the videos public on a second channel if anyone has access to enough screens and would like to try the challenge:








Edit : Ajout d'infos + Ajouts des 7 vidéos ( @Skwatek si tu veux tester 🙂 )

Contribution le : 14/06/2019 21:42

 0  #2
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 05/12/2009 15:52
Post(s): 13029
Karma: 2526
Hand reveal 😃 J'aime bien sa chaîne, je la vois des fois dans les recommendations.

Contribution le : 14/06/2019 21:54

 0  #3
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 26/11/2005 17:41
Post(s): 47908
Karma: 25898
Il a utilisé quelle application ?

Contribution le : 14/06/2019 22:47

 0  #4
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 22/04/2006 00:08
Post(s): 4055
Karma: 1357
Citation :

@Skwatek a écrit:
Il a utilisé quelle application ?

L'appli youtube si j'en crois l'interface et les recommandations à la fin.

Contribution le : 14/06/2019 22:54

 0  #5
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 26/11/2005 17:41
Post(s): 47908
Karma: 25898
@DoubleZ : En fait, je parle du jeu avec les billes.

Contribution le : 14/06/2019 22:57

 0  #6
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 22/04/2006 00:08
Post(s): 4055
Karma: 1357
Citation :

@Skwatek a écrit:
@DoubleZ : En fait, je parle du jeu avec les billes.

Vu que c'est une vidéo lancé sur youtube, je pense que ça a tout simplement été crée pour cette prestation.

Contribution le : 14/06/2019 23:02

 0  #7
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 09/12/2005 16:32
Post(s): 83598
Karma: 8721
Je me demande combien de prise il a fait avant de réussir celle qu'il a posté au finale?
En tout cas c'est bluffant, je l'ai vu ce midi sur youtube, et j'allais la poster.

Contribution le : 18/06/2019 22:22

 0  #8
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 31/01/2016 15:06
Post(s): 229
Karma: 217
@Skwatek Je crois que c'est Algodoo

Contribution le : 18/06/2019 22:30

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