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Un vététiste tombe d'une falaise
 2  #1
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 29/05/2018 23:33
Post(s): 1694
Karma: 4722
La scène s'est passé en Juin dernier.
ll a survécu et commence à remarcher doucement.

Video by tomwalker92


Contribution le : 21/01/2020 20:27

 0  #2
J'aime glander ici
Inscrit: 01/05/2007 11:30
Post(s): 7083
Karma: 2966
C'est quoi ce parcours de la mort ?

Contribution le : 21/01/2020 21:09

 1  #3
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 10/01/2015 15:21
Post(s): 888
Karma: 818
Ralala la gravité, elle tombe toujours à pic !

Contribution le : 21/01/2020 21:19

 0  #4
ce petit cri à la fin

Contribution le : 21/01/2020 21:52

 0  #5
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 27/09/2014 10:47
Post(s): 16404
Karma: 5534
Qui cherche trouve !!!!

Contribution le : 21/01/2020 22:20

 0  #6
Il croit aux anges, d'après sa publication XD
Probablement aussi à l'évolution rapide, vu qu'il s'attendait à ce que des ailes lui poussent.

"I have been wanting to get this off my chest and put it to bed for so long but I was so scared of watching this video, my life changed forever here, unfortunately this is what happened to me that day in Canada in June. The doctor that saved my life called my mum and told her that really he should of been sending me home in a box to be buried and that I was so unbelievably lucky to still be alive after this, I shattered both of my heel bones, my femur went past my knee and snapped off the top of my tibia and fibular which also put a big crack up the middle of my femur, my other knee hit me in my face and smashed my upper jaw into lots of pieces and smashed both of my eye sockets too, I honestly thought when I was lay on that train track that it was my time to go,
Somebody was watching over me on this day for sure ❤ I honestly can’t believe that I can walk again (not very well but it’s coming) and I am so determined to try and make a full recovery to be able to do the things I love so much again one day.
I hope that I can be somebodys motivation to get better ❤ never ever give up man
Thanks to everyone who has been there for me through the shittest time of my life, you know who you are ❤
Better days are coming

This video is not to be used or shared by anyone else but me"

Par contre, si on fait un poil gaffe à la dernière phrase...

Contribution le : 21/01/2020 22:28

 0  #7
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 21/03/2016 17:28
Post(s): 788
Karma: 1088
@FMJ65 OK....

Contribution le : 22/01/2020 09:09

 0  #8
"faites demi tour dès que possible"

Contribution le : 22/01/2020 09:40

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