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 0  #41
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 25/06/2008 13:03
Post(s): 548
miroman, vraiment é-norme

Contribution le : 24/08/2009 14:10

 0  #42
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 13/06/2004 16:40
Post(s): 3956
Pour celle-là, je me suis bien amusée.

You: Hi
Stranger: 22 m want a sexy girl
You: I'm a fat and ugly chick
Stranger: so what
Stranger: are you ready to fuck by me ornot
You: When I say "chick" I mean chicken, you know, with feathers and all
You: are you in bestiallity ? ewww
Stranger: no prbm
Stranger: bestiallity?
You: Yeah, fucking with beasts
(3 minutes en attente d'une réponse)
You: Hey, do you have a brain ? Seriously ?
Stranger: ya
Stranger: do you have a hole
Stranger: i want to put my pen into your hole
Stranger: are you ready for that or not
You: EW ! You're really disgusting !
You: You wanna fuck a damn CHICKEN !
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Contribution le : 24/08/2009 14:12

 0  #43
lool c'est marrant tout ça

Contribution le : 24/08/2009 14:12

 0  #44
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 03/01/2009 22:35
Post(s): 870
Karma: 95
Mdr je vien de croiser un Koreusien, qu'il se dénonce tout de suite!

Citation :
You: t'a quel age?
Stranger: 23
Stranger: t'as trouvé cmt ce site?
You: grace a Koreus You: tu connais?
Stranger: lol je suis dessus
Stranger: bon je vais essayer de chopper des gonzesses! Stranger: salut!

Contribution le : 24/08/2009 14:13

 0  #45
La loi c'est moi
Inscrit: 19/04/2008 16:29
Post(s): 8776
Karma: 2423
C'est moi ou y'a plein de Coréens?

Contribution le : 24/08/2009 14:16

 0  #46
You: hi
Stranger: hey
You: im looking for boxxy, did u see her ?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

ou encore

You: hi
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Contribution le : 24/08/2009 14:18

 0  #47
Je sais pas vous, mais moi 90% du temps je tombe avec une fille, fake ou pas? On peut pas savoir, sinon moi je suis tombé avec une corééne bien sympa de 17ans et une Americaine de 16ans, ou sinon des gens bizzars qui veulent faire du cyber sex (y'en a un qui voulait torturer un chat en faisant l'amour Oo )

Contribution le : 24/08/2009 14:19

 0  #48
ça veut dire quoi : you'll get over hackscape ?

Contribution le : 24/08/2009 14:22

 0  #49
La loi c'est moi
Inscrit: 19/04/2008 16:29
Post(s): 8776
Karma: 2423
Stranger: hi from?
You: france
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Contribution le : 24/08/2009 14:25

 0  #50
Même pas un p'ti bonjour :'(

You: hi
Stranger: from?
You: france
You: you?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: hi...brazilian...male...22...not here for sex or horny freaks....
You: Oh hi
You: I'm 16 and i'm french
You: And i'm a boy

You: Hi
Stranger: bacon
You: bacon?
Stranger: narwhal
You: Hum
You: Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free! You are a pirate!
Stranger: you are not the stranger i'm looking for
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Contribution le : 24/08/2009 14:28

 0  #51
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 25/08/2006 13:02
Post(s): 2002
sympa ce truc. Sa passe le temps.
perso pour perfectionner mon anglais je prefaire regarder des series en vostf

Contribution le : 24/08/2009 14:38

 0  #52
Moi je préfère regarder les infos en VOST.

Contribution le : 24/08/2009 14:39

 0  #53
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 13/06/2004 16:40
Post(s): 3956
You: Hi
Stranger: heyy
You: How are you ?
Stranger: good u
You: good too
Stranger: true
Stranger: female or male
You: both, you choose
Stranger: umm k hun watever
Stranger: ur obviously some pedo
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Contribution le : 24/08/2009 14:40

 0  #54
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 16/05/2007 21:46
Post(s): 188
Stranger: where are ypu from?
You: france
You: and you
Stranger: n. korea
You: a ok
You: les communistes et tout le bordel?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: selamat malam
You: késkidi?
Stranger: iko nan sabana urang awa na ko?
You: avec de la mayonaise sil vous plait
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Contribution le : 24/08/2009 14:41

 0  #55
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 12/11/2007 14:16
Post(s): 1530
Karma: 742
Une seule conversation et j'tombe sur un mec de Koreus.
Faut l'faire. ^^

(Sympa Alex pour ton histoire de caca 😉 )

Contribution le : 24/08/2009 14:41

 0  #56
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 16/05/2007 21:46
Post(s): 188
Mais derien Mathieu !
( et oui j'ai retrouvé mon mot de passe )

Contribution le : 24/08/2009 14:42

 0  #57
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 03/07/2008 14:29
Post(s): 132
Citation :

Amaot a écrit:
Les étrangers sont des cons :-D

CONFIRME !! Exemple même 😃 :

" Stranger: hi
You: hi !!
Stranger: from?
You: france ! and u ?
Your conversational partner has disconnected. " -_-"

Contribution le : 24/08/2009 14:48

 0  #58
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 13/06/2004 16:40
Post(s): 3956
J'me suis tapée un tit délire :

Stranger: hi
You: Hi
You: How are you ?
Stranger: im magnificent
Stranger: u?
You: I'm fine, thanks.
Stranger: m/f?
You: None of them
Stranger: :S
You: I'm a chicken
Stranger: aww, that explains it
You: Yeah
You: my farmer is very nice, he lets us using his computer
Stranger: cool
Stranger: where is ur farm
You: In France.
Stranger: far from luxembourg?
You: It's a bit chilly today... Raining and all ...
You: I'm near Paris
Stranger: ok
You: And... what are you ? human ?
Stranger: yes
You: few
Stranger: talking to u makes me hungry
Stranger: no offence
You: For a time I tough you were a cat. I HATE cats
You: I'm flattered.
Stranger: hmm
You: cats are sadists
Stranger: yews
Stranger: yes
You: they catch us and bite us and ... and ... T_T
Stranger: its terrible
You: yeah
You: my sisters was catch by a cat
You: the cat played with her for 2 whole hours
Stranger: fuckin sick
You: it was awful
Stranger: must have been a hard time for u
You: It've been, yeah
You: especially for my sister's daughters tough
You: though
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: funny convo

Contribution le : 24/08/2009 14:49

 0  #59
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 16/03/2008 17:19
Post(s): 1376
Stranger: hi
You: hi !
Stranger: perv?
You: humm my name is pedobeer
You: so no
Stranger: funny
You: and you perv ?
Stranger: nope
You: cool
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

J'adore ce site 😃, très bon pour "essayer" de pratiquer un peu l'anglais

Contribution le : 24/08/2009 14:51

 0  #60
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: r u a boy?
You: no
Stranger: from?
You: USA
You: california
Stranger: good
You: u ?
Stranger: cool
Stranger: am a boy
Stranger: from texas
Stranger: age?
You: 16
You: u ?
Stranger: cool
Stranger: 19
You: you have a driver license then ?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: i have
You: you think you could came to see me ?
Stranger: yes
You: I'm Chris Hansen, this is "To Catch a Predator" from dateline NBC, why don't you take a seat over here?
Stranger: lol

You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: where are you from ?
Stranger: Poland and you?
You: North Korea
Stranger: like really?
Stranger: omg
Stranger: i thought
Stranger: there were no internets

Contribution le : 24/08/2009 14:52

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