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 0  #441
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 13/09/2008 12:15
Post(s): 4114
eh bien il l'auront sur è_é

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 12:55

 0  #442
j'allais le dire ...

Mais se comporter comme eux aggraverais le cas .

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 13:02

 0  #443
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 16/03/2008 17:19
Post(s): 1376
Moi je proposerais bien une attaque d'images de prOn sur leur forum 15-18, mais faudrait que tout le monde y mette du sien 😛


Citation :

AllenJiO a écrit:
j'allais le dire ...

Mais se comporter comme eux aggraverais le cas .

Fais pas le rabat joie 😃
Nan c'est vrai écoutons la voix de la raison....elle me plaisait bien mon idée

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 13:02

 0  #444
Les images ne s'affichent pas directement sur

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 13:04

 0  #445
Edit 🙂

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 13:05

 0  #446
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 13/09/2008 12:15
Post(s): 4114

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 13:05

 0  #447
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 15/06/2006 18:27
Post(s): 1811
Laissez tombé votre vengeance, c'est n'importe quoi. En plus vous allez faire chier des milliers de personne pour la connerie d'un seul..

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 13:07

 0  #448
Maaaaais non, ca va faire de la pub a koreus 😃

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 13:08

 0  #449
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 02/01/2007 22:52
Post(s): 4748
Karma: 56
Stranger: Are you a moron?
You: What's a moron?


Contribution le : 25/08/2009 13:08

 0  #450
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 26/03/2006 03:39
Post(s): 2444
omg, zêtes consternants les gars

stop da shit, the internet iz a sirious business

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 13:11

 0  #451
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 13/12/2007 23:16
Post(s): 4534
je pete pas un mot d'anglais sa me fait delirer x)

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 13:19

 0  #452
Je discute politique et origine du kebab avec une iranienne.

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 13:23

 0  #453
J'aime glander ici
Inscrit: 26/11/2007 22:04
Post(s): 6233
Karma: 2604
Citation :

Femto2 a écrit:
Moi je proposerais bien une attaque d'images de prOn sur leur forum 15-18, mais faudrait que tout le monde y mette du sien 😛


Citation :

AllenJiO a écrit:
j'allais le dire ...

Mais se comporter comme eux aggraverais le cas .

Fais pas le rabat joie 😃
Nan c'est vrai écoutons la voix de la raison....elle me plaisait bien mon idée

Oui vaut mieux, car ça ne serait pas d'une intelligence révolutionnaire...

En tout cas hier j'ai causé pendant une heure avec un mec de Las Vegas bien marrant, c'était sympa.

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 13:28

 0  #454
Inscrit: 07/06/2008 19:05
Post(s): 101
You: Hey ?
Stranger: hey
Stranger: from
You: France
You: you ?
Stranger: italy
Stranger: m or f
You: If i say m, you will disconnect, so I say m
Stranger: you are right:D
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Pas une seule personne intéressante depuis que j'ai commencé tout à l'heure.

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 13:29

 0  #455
J'aime glander ici
Inscrit: 08/01/2005 09:47
Post(s): 6620
Karma: 112
Citation :

Murihoro a écrit:
You: Hey ?
Stranger: hey
Stranger: from
You: France
You: you ?
Stranger: italy
Stranger: m or f
You: If i say m, you will disconnect, so I say m
Stranger: you are right:D
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Pas une seule personne intéressante depuis que j'ai commencé tout à l'heure.

Pareil a part un gars qui m'a rickrolled avec du texte !!

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 13:49

 0  #456
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 02/01/2007 22:52
Post(s): 4748
Karma: 56
You: Hi
You: You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: 滚
You: Wtf?
Stranger: 什么?
Stranger: 你是?

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 13:53

 0  #457
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 05/03/2009 17:05
Post(s): 539
………………..,-‘’ ; ; ;_,,---,,_ ; ;’’-,…………………….........……….._,,,---,,_
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voila ce qu'un gars m'as envoyé ^^

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 14:54

 0  #458
You: you are fool
Stranger: no
Stranger: are you?
You: yes, you fare
You: i'm not as fool as you fare
Stranger: suck my dick
You: you are fexcellent
Stranger: fuck off
You: i fove you
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 15:03

 0  #459
Je viens d'arriver
Inscrit: 22/06/2009 16:08
Post(s): 3
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!

Stranger: i will cut your head
You: I already did
You: I have no head since 3 years
You: that's cool
Stranger: i have no leg since 78 years
You: left one or right one ?
Stranger: both
You: Fuck so you move like a gorilla now
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: do you want me?
You: I want my head back actually
Stranger: i dont know where is your head
You: Ah
You: coz I know were your left leg is
Stranger: where?
You: I use it as a pillow actually
Stranger: give me it
You: No way it's mine
Stranger: i know your home
Stranger: i am coming there
You: other wise I am going to hide your leg
Stranger: how are you?
You: Fine, despite I have no head
Stranger: how old are you?
You: like 78
Stranger: why?
You: because I was born in 1931 I believe
Stranger: too old to live
Stranger: die
You: I already tried
You: I cut my head, didnt york
Stranger: you should add poison your meal
You: and how am I supposed to eat my meal ?
You: I have no head
Stranger: i have no idea
Stranger: how do you live with no head?
You: Dunno
Stranger: you are a ghost
Stranger: and you dont know that
You: Oh man. It hurts my feelings
You: Bty you're a gorilla, and you dont know that
Stranger: do you remember world war 2
Stranger: anyway
You: How could I remember anything I have no head
Stranger: where are you from?
You: France
Stranger: god bless you
You: You?
Stranger: you
You: That's kind of you


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: hi
You: Hi
Stranger: u from?
You: france
Stranger: u f?
You: yep
You: looking for hot talk
You: ?
Stranger: yes
You: goooood
Stranger: lol
You: dude internet sex is creepy. go out and meet real people
Stranger: no
Stranger: Very excited
You: ok
You: good to know
You: and then ?
Stranger: yes
You: yes WHAT ?
Stranger: ok
You: oh man.
You: seriously
You: stop that
You: it's disgusting
Stranger: kkkkkkkkkk
Stranger: thanks
Stranger: u Whore
You: No ur the whore
Stranger: go to hell
Stranger: fuck
Stranger: get out
You: no you get out. this website is not for perverts
Stranger: no
Stranger: u Whore
Stranger: Whore
You: it is made to meet new people
Stranger: Whore
Stranger: Whore

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 15:32

 0  #460
Stranger: hello 🙂
You: helo
Stranger: 🙂
Stranger: where r u from?
You: france
Stranger: interesting
Stranger: that's not too far
You: by the way
You: your new tee-shirt
You: UH-UH
Stranger: lol what r u talking abt?
You: you
You: you just know how to turn me on don't you
Stranger: lol
Stranger: how old r u?
You: 4 years
You: in cat years
Stranger: loooooooooool
Stranger: what's that in human years?
You: hum...
You: 17 i think
Stranger: oh ok lol u think?
Stranger: don't u know how old u are?
You: i'm not a calculator, you know.
You: i don't know the conversion rate that well. i knew a cat who lived to 25, but some die at 15.
You: it's just life
You: sad
Stranger: wow.. really? 25?
Stranger: damn
You: i hate cats
Stranger: by the way r u a Tom or a Catwoman?
Stranger: 😛
Stranger: lol
You: i'm batman
Stranger: nice
You: i have a utility belt
Stranger: i'm poinson ivy
You: i stop super villains with my utility belt
Stranger: loooooooooool
Stranger: very interesting
You: because i'm batman
Stranger: would love to see how u do that
Stranger: lol
You: i do it because i have i utility belt
You: because i'm batman
Stranger: well.. good for u
You: i'm batman
You: i'll draw a bat for you
Stranger: so what do u do in life other than killing villains with ur utility belt?
You: i draw bats
Stranger: lol
You: bats are cool
Stranger: oh my god
Stranger: u have a real issue of bats
You: i fell into a cave full of rats when i was a kid
Stranger: rats or bats?
You: bats
You: a cave full of batd
You: bats*
You: and now that cave is my secret hideout
You: because i'm batman
You: and i have a utility belt
You: i'll draw a bat for you
You: bat's are cool. did i tell you that bats are cool?
You: here's one: ^o^
Stranger: lol
Stranger: yeh u did tell me that bats are cool
Stranger: like a thousand tiems
Stranger: times
You: cause they are cool
You: they're like chuck norris
You: but tiny, grey, and sleep upside down
You: and they have a cool sonar thingy in their nose
You: but that's too much about me.
You: tell me about you.
Stranger: well i actually got nothing about u
Stranger: except that u're obsessed with bats 😛
You: (by the way, did you know bats were cool? cause they so are.)
You: i also love rats
Stranger: damn ok that's too much info
Stranger: anything real that u can tell me abt u?
You: that's what my psychiatrist always says
You: that's why i killed him
Stranger: lol
Stranger: lucky me.. we're strangers
Stranger: 😛
You: i wont kill you thow
You: cause you love bats.
You: right?
You: right?
Stranger: yeh
Stranger: yeh yeh
Stranger: DEFINITELY love vats
Stranger: bats
Stranger: lol
You: that's great
You: lwe should hang out some times.
Stranger: yeh sure
You: and like, go look at bats
Stranger: lol would love that
You: cause they are so cool (did you know that?)
Stranger: looooooooool
Stranger: i know it by heart by now
You: that's awsome
You: like bats
You: did i tell you they have a radar thingy in their noses?
Stranger: u know when i come to think of it.. i got bit by a bit when i was a kid
You: cause they do, and it's awsome
Stranger: i think that's why i love them so much
Stranger: and that's how we found each other here on this random chat thingy
Stranger: i think it's destiny
You: yeah.
You: or a bat set us up
You: they can do that
You: i swear
Stranger: i'm sure that's the case
Stranger: mmm
Stranger: i guess we have got to meet then
Stranger: where do u live?
You: in france
Stranger: oh yeh true
Stranger: sorry forgot
Stranger: a bat thing
Stranger: lol
Stranger: where in france?
You: well actually, right next to france. in switzerland
You: but nobody knows about it so i say france
Stranger: NO WAY!!!!
Stranger: that can't be happening
Stranger: i'm going to switzerland in a week
Stranger: Geneva
You: told you, a bat set us up.
Stranger: where in Switzerland do u live?
You: gland
Stranger: i see
Stranger: is it where they invented caniffe swisse? he he heh
You: i don't know.
Stranger: mmm i see
You: nobody knows, i think
Stranger: so u're 17 right?
You: yeah
You: or 1 in bat years
You: (i think)
Stranger: mm u seem very nice.. but too bad
Stranger: i'm 29 😞
You: haha
You: o, sorry
You: i didnt't mean to laugh
You: it's a thing i do
Stranger: lol
Stranger: no no don't worry abt it
Stranger: i'm not sad abt my age
You: you shouldn't be
Stranger: i'm sad abt the age difference between us 🙂
You: you have plenty more to live
You: like 10 years or something
Stranger: lol
You: ^^
Stranger: r u on facebook?
You: no
Stranger: msn?
You: no
You: i'm on omegle
You: ^^
Stranger: 🙂
Stranger: ok
Stranger: but i won't be able to find u again
You: it's ok, u should go on and meet plenty of other people
You: before your life ends
You: else you'll regret it
You: i know i would
You: or would i?
You: hum...
Stranger: 🙂
You: go on!
You: live!
Stranger: well don't know
You: live!
You: LIVE!
You have disconnected.

Stranger: hello
Stranger: how are you ?
You: hi
Stranger: my name is Prasil
Stranger: yours ?
You: please tell me you're not one of those gay spanish guys
Stranger: haha
Stranger: no..
Stranger: i am a guy.. from India
You: i am so relieved
You: wait, WHAT!
Stranger: and you ?
You have disconnected.

Stranger: Knock Knock
You: who is there
Stranger: Disco
You: disconnect!
You have disconnected.

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 15:34

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