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 0  #521
Stranger: An
Stranger: hero
Stranger: is
Stranger: you
You: an hero?
Stranger: ...
You: did you take grammar?
Stranger: Yes I did
Stranger: I find grammal unremarkable correct when I want to
You: obviously
You: ^^
Stranger: shit
you have disconnected

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 19:47

 0  #522
Purée... Y a une Anglaise qui m'a traité de frog eater... et quand je lui ai dit que j'atais belge, elle m'a laché "Brussels Sprout"... Gonflée celle là !

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 19:52

 0  #523
You: hi
Stranger: hey
You: you love fish stiks?
Stranger: no
Stranger: wait
You: ?
Stranger: yes i love fish sticks
Stranger: i loove them in my mouth
You: fuck...

merde... un connaisseur de south park...

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 19:57

 0  #524
You: I'm Elvis Presley, i'm looking for Michael Jackson, are you ?
Stranger: how did you know?!
Stranger: ELVIS
You: Nice to meet
You: you
Stranger: where have you been?
You: in south africa
You: just a palace with 6000 square
Stranger: dude, when am i invited?
You: i couldn't invite you before
You: if i send a letter with "Elvis Presley" writed, you are sure that they found me
You: but sorry, bro
You: let's go rock'n'roll
Stranger: nah, its all good, i understand
Stranger: hell yeah
You: i send an invitation no
You: where are you ?
You: now*
Stranger: man, look, im sorry to ruin our friendship but if i told you, they would come find me. and that wouldnt be good
You: erf
You: we have to think about a safe place
You: i'm going to call James Bond, he is a friend
You: he'll know how organize that
Stranger: ok, you get him to do that.
Stranger: maybe he'll teach us some of his super awesome moves
You: ya
You: and you too
You: WAHOO !
Stranger: WHOO!!
Stranger: this is gonna be awesome
You: could you learn me the moonwalk ?
Stranger: of course!
You: my children will be impressed
You: i've got 17 children
You: with marilyn monroe
Stranger: wow, your my new hero
Stranger: what are their names?
You: Bob, Elvis Junior, Charles, Ethan, Lucas, Jacob, Noah, John & Gabriel for my boys
You: Lily, Marilyn Junior, Grace, Charlotte, Elizabeth, Madison, Sofie & Paige for my grils
You: girls*
You: And you ?
You: Have you child ?
Stranger: i've got 2
Stranger: but you know, i cant really remember their names
You: With 11yo girl ? 😃
Stranger: im not even sure
Stranger: where's james bond at? you get to him yet?
You: nop
You: it sounds busy
You: oh fuck
You: marilyn calls me
You: i have to go
Stranger: good luck with her
You: another time
You: thanks
Stranger: we shall meet in our safe place soon
You: ya
You: bye
You have disconnected.

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 19:58

 0  #525
Citation :

Femto2 a écrit:
Mon meilleur avec pedobear je pense 😃

édit : désoler pour la taille (écran 32 pouces)

on me l'a fait aussi 😃

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 19:59

 0  #526
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 03/07/2009 19:27
Post(s): 462
Karma: 91
allez la c'est moi qui joue au boulet

Stranger: Hey
You: hoy !
Stranger: Cuanto cuesta?
You: cuestado dorator digo das la casa dores
Stranger: 😞

edit :

Stranger: hey im a 19 year old male looking for a femal with a webcam
You: ok if you want
You: do you have a big dick ?
Stranger: yeah
You: me too
Stranger: hah rad
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 20:01

 0  #527
You: hi
Stranger: hi I am 27 male from spain.....Looking for a female with msn and webcam...
You: it's cool
You: have you a big cock?
Stranger: yes
You: me too, nice :
You: 🙂
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

edit :
mede ça a d'jà été fait... 😞

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 20:15

 0  #528
Stranger: hows it going
Stranger: col
You: not too bad
Stranger: good to hear
Stranger: who are you
You: and you ?
Stranger: all gravey baby
You: I'm Stranger, can't you read ?
You: ^^
Stranger: oh thats you
You: Yeah that's me
Stranger: sup
You: nothing much. Watching a game, having a Bud... wussup with you ?
Stranger: wasssssssssssssssssssssssssssup
Stranger: not much too
You: wussuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
You: 😃
Stranger: waaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusssssssssssssssspppppppppppppppppppppp uuuuuuuuuuppppppp
You: Wasssssssssssssuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
You: Yo, pick up the pone
Stranger: hello
You: phone*
You: wassuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Stranger: oh wassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssuuuuup
Stranger: hey dude get on the line
You: yo ?
Stranger: wassssssssssssssuuuuuuuuuuuuu[
Stranger: p
You: wassuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Stranger: well this could go on for years haha
You: yeah !
You: so wassup then ?
Stranger: not much, just listenin to some tunes
Stranger: yourself?
You: Oh, I'm waiting for my grilfriend to come home
You: She shouldn't be long ^^
Stranger: good to hear
Your conversational partner has disconnected

J'adore quand les gens prennent part aux délires xD

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 20:20

 0  #529
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 16/03/2008 17:19
Post(s): 1376
Moi je vous venge un peu les français (jsuis suisse) en balançant que si la personne vient des US ben elle est grosse 😃

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 20:32

 0  #530
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 22/07/2008 16:12
Post(s): 106
You: Ola
Stranger: QUE COÑO...
You: huh
You: i am not spanish
Stranger: i am
You: fuck you
Stranger: PROBLEM?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 20:33

 0  #531
oO je suis tombé sur un mec qui me disait que les fat blonde étaient les filles les plus belles mais qu'elles puaient... donc il voulait devenir gay... pourquoi pas...

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 20:35

 0  #532
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 26/03/2006 03:39
Post(s): 2444
Citation :

leboss86 a écrit:
Stranger: Please enter your desired username. Usernames must only have numbers and letters and must be 1-15 characters long.
You: slash
Stranger: Please type your username again to confirm, or enter a different one.
You: slash
Stranger: Prove you're human by answering this question. Do not use punctuation:
Stranger: What is the opposite of up?
You: down
Stranger: -------- Welcome to the chat!
Stranger: -------- NOW WITH USERNAME COMPLETION: you only need to type the first few letters of a name to kick or PM.
Stranger: -------- Type /help if you're confused.
Stranger: Anon: hi slash
Stranger: Anon: how are you guys?
You: fine and you?
Stranger: -------- Troll joined the chat.
You: hi
Stranger: Anon: im fine too
You: Ok
Stranger: Troll: hai gaise
You: What do you think about oral sex?
You: anon
Stranger: Anon: hai you
You: /help
Stranger: -------- This is a bot that allows you to have a chat with multiple strangers (13 at max). It is not affiliated in any way with Omegle. It was just made by a nerd with no life. You can view part of the code at It's in Python!
Stranger: -------- Your admin for today is: Travis. Admins cannot be kicked.
Stranger: -------- If you want to contact the creator, his email address is
Stranger: -------- For a list of commands, type /commands.
Stranger: Coopscoop: Whats up ^^
Stranger: Troll: suck my dick slash
Stranger: Anon: umm...its good
You: lol wtf is that
Stranger: -------- Anon left the chat.
Stranger: Coopscoop: HEy
You: Is it true or not?
Stranger: Travis: Oral sex = awesome.
You have disconnected.

C'est vraiment vrai ou c'était juste un fake? parceque là ça semblait un peu gros pour être un fake non?

si les messages arrivent vite, c'est pas un fake, ou alors il a tout préparé et copie/colle

il suffit de créer un bot qui se connecte sur omegle, t'envoie les messages, choppe les réponses, et quand il a ce qu'il veut (ton pseudo et la confirmation que toi tu n'es pas un bot) il t'admet dans une sorte de room virtuelle avec les autres, il ne fait que transférer les messages des autres, tu envoies "banane", il rajoute ton pseudo devant et le transmet à tous les autres.

pas mal comme idée mais bon, faut avoir la chance de tomber dessus et c'est 1563206 fois moins fonctionnel qu'un chat normal.

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 20:40

 0  #533
You: HI
Stranger: hi
Stranger: from?
You: YOU ?
Stranger: fromwithoutspacebarland

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 20:40

 0  #534
Sympa celui la Orage 🔨

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 20:42

 0  #535
Je viens d'arriver
Inscrit: 29/02/2008 16:08
Post(s): 42
Stranger: 安不懂英文
You: I'm not Japanese or Chinese
Stranger: 我也看不懂英文
You: Ok je vois, on se fout de ma gueule...
Stranger : 英文看
You: Salou Oumar, c'est Rocco ça va ?
Stranger: 安安阿我也
You: Putain moi ça va à donnf ! L'autre jour, j'étais en croisière pas loin d'Italie.
Stranger: 我也不懂英文 英文懂不
You: Et puis tu sais, tou me connais, j'étais en train de tchatcher avec demoiselles et puis soudainement.
You : Il y a une qui crie : "Venez vite venez vite, il y a un poisson énorme".
Stranger : 安不懂英文 阿我也
You: Alors moi j'accours et tout. Et là putain, on voit un poisson qui était énorme.
You : Qu'est-ce c'était ?
Stranger: 不我也也看不 ?
Stranger: 懂我也文...
You : MA BITE ! 😃
You : C'était ma bite qui nageait avec les douphins Oumar, sompeteuse, sompetueuse ma bitaa...
You have disconnected.

Bon d'accord c'était un rameau d'olivier qui m'était tendu mais comment ne pas en profiter ? 😎

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 20:49

 0  #536
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 04/08/2008 14:16
Post(s): 598
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey bro
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

... 😃

ou sinon voici un pur délire :

Stranger: hi:)
You: hi 🙂
Stranger: whats ur name 🙂
You: Stranger
You: you?
Stranger: omajgad 😮 we got the same name:O
You: shit for real?
Stranger: yeah:O
Stranger: dont tell me ur looking for big immortal mooshrom pie to?!:O
You: yeah
You: incredible
Stranger: ur kidding me:O
Stranger: we must be soulmates or something:O
You: yeah
You: don't tell me you live on planet earth??
Stranger: i do:O
Stranger: in a country called sweden kingdoom of immortal mushroom:O
You: YEA!!
You: are you me?
Stranger: do u live in sweden kingdoom of immortal mushroom to?!:O
You: yeah
Stranger: omajgad 😮
Stranger: in immortal town of mariestad?:O
You: in immortal town of malmo
Stranger: omajgad i lived in pietown örkelljunga before:O this is just sick:O
You: sickness
Stranger: indeed
Stranger: u got anny tip of where i can find this immortal mushroom pie?:O
You: first you need immortal mushrooms
Stranger: i heard that they are in la la land:O
You: yeah in a far land called pluto
Stranger: yeah and u get there by take tons of ecstacy right?:O
You: thats right bro
You: mixed with cocaine
Stranger: yeah right 😮
You: and 1/4 weed
You: is very important
Stranger: oh ok didnt know that:O
Stranger: my friend tried to come there some days ago 😮 but the fucking cops came and now he is in jail for 6 mounths-.-
You: get him out
Stranger: is there anny sneaky way there?
You: like in gta
Stranger: well i had tried to do the code for the panser wagon but it dosent work:O
You: oh 😮
You: did you tried the code for the tank?
Stranger: yeah 😮 nothing works:O
You: incredible 😮
You: anti gta cheat jails
Stranger: it dosnt work:O
You: maybe you should try zelda cheat
You: get a trainer
Stranger: twighlight princess or the old ones?
You: ocarina of time
You: is the best for hacking jails
Stranger: oh it must be that:O
Stranger: the best game ever must be the best cheats to i guess:O
You: true 😮
Stranger: will try that tmrw:o
You: np bro
Stranger: just gotta find a mage to make me a portal to kumla:O
You: i know one
You: hes called barack obama
Stranger: u kidding me?:O
You: no 😮
Stranger: i always thought he was a paladin 😮
Stranger: what a fuck is this a nigger mage?! that dosnt work:O
You: yes it does 😮
Stranger: are u sure?:O
Stranger: i will call him right away:O
You: yeah
You: do so
Stranger: wanna follow me? to find the immortal mushroom pie?
Stranger: well i guess not!:o
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 21:10

 0  #537
En train de chattez avec un membre d'Omegle qui ne doit pas savoir qui je suis ...

Et merde .

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 21:19

 0  #538

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 21:26

 0  #539
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 15/04/2009 17:25
Post(s): 893
Citation :

Stranger: m/f?
You: both
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Contribution le : 25/08/2009 21:28

 0  #540
Citation :

Metallix a écrit:

Tu rates quelquechose... un délire avec de la weed et des champi 😃.

Contribution le : 25/08/2009 21:34

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