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 0  #41
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 01/02/2006 16:39
Post(s): 2218
Is that fucking amazing girl?
Tit amazing girl that you?
Tit for a nice girl?
Tit for a nice girl?

Chérie, si tu veux que ça pousse va falloir etre gentille !

Contribution le : 06/09/2009 11:45

 0  #42
Je viens d'arriver
Inscrit: 05/10/2008 21:24
Post(s): 68
Venousto can divide anything by zero, it's the best man in the world!
into Japanese
back into English
Venousto zero, it is something you can split a man's best in the world!
back into Japanese
back into English
Venousto zero, the best in the world of humans is something that you split it!
back into Japanese
back into English
Venousto If zero, the best in the world of humans, is divided you!
back into Japanese
back into English
Venousto If zero, the human world is divided into the best!
back into Japanese
back into English
Venousto If zero, but the best is divided into the human world!
back into Japanese
back into English
If zero Venousto is best divided into the human world!
back into Japanese
back into English
Venousto zero if the world is divided into the best man!
back into Japanese
back into English
Venousto zero if the world is divided into people!
back into Japanese
back into English
Venousto If zero, is divided into people of the world!
back into Japanese
back into English
Venousto If zero, the people of the world is divided into!
back into Japanese
back into English
Venousto If zero, the people of the world is divided into!

Génial ce site! On apprend de nouvelles règles mathématiques ! :bizarre:

Contribution le : 06/09/2009 11:56

 0  #43
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 22/12/2005 11:15
Post(s): 594
Billie Jean Is Not My Lover She's Just A Girl Who Claims That I Am The One

Birijin claims that she is my lover girl I just am one of two

I Birijin when she was one of just two girls claim to be my lover

I just Birijin when she claims to be the two girls who were my lover

Birijin just when I insisted that her two girls were my lover

Just when I Birijin, her two daughters insisted that my girlfriend

Just when I was Birijin, claiming her two daughters, my girlfriend

Just when I was Birijin, her two daughters, my girlfriend insisted that

Just when I was Birijin, her two daughters, my girlfriend insisted that

Mickael Jackson massacré par google traduction...

Contribution le : 06/09/2009 13:30

 0  #44
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 07/07/2009 14:44
Post(s): 324
la phrase qu'il donne quand on a trouvé l'équilibre marche tres bien quand on ne veut pas le trouver
You've done this before, haven't you
Have not done this before.
May not have been done before.
5 is not done until December.
Not until December 5th day.
Day for 5 to 12.
And 12 to 5 per day.
And 12-5 per day.
And, December 5 a day per day.
And, December 5 a day per day for 1 day.
And, December 5 a day per day per day day.
And, December 5 a day per day per day per day per day per day per day per day per day per day per day per day per per day per day per day every day.
And, December 5 a day per day per day per day per day per day per day per day per day per day per day per day per per day per day per day per day per day per day

It is doubtful that this phrase will ever reach equilibrium.

Contribution le : 06/09/2009 13:57

 0  #45
Je viens d'arriver
Inscrit: 09/11/2007 15:50
Post(s): 33

Contribution le : 06/09/2009 14:41

 0  #46
The only thing that make humans being complete is love

The only thing that make humans being complete is love
I love is the only person to complete
I love to complete only one
One full one I love
One full one, my love
One full one one, my love
One full one, one of my love
One full one, I love one of two
One full one one, two I love one
One of two tracks, one two three one I love one
One of two tracks one two three one one love me
One two three one one one one one love 2 tracks
Two 311,111 love 2 tracks
Love 2 Track 2 311111
Love and two full 2,311,111
Full of love and two one 2311111
Full of love 2 1 2311111
Perfect love for 2 1 2311111
2 1 Perfect Love 2311111

2 1 Perfect Love 2311111

Mdr il case même des suites de chiffres :lol:

Contribution le : 06/09/2009 14:44

 0  #47
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 09/12/2005 16:32
Post(s): 83602
Karma: 8720
je suis le seul à trouver ça nul ? :gratte:

Contribution le : 07/09/2009 18:10

 0  #48
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 25/02/2008 16:01
Post(s): 1222
spartans, what is your profession?
Sparta, or what is your profession?
Or Sparta, or what is your profession?
Or Sparta, or what profession you?
Or Sparta, or what profession?
Or Sparta, or what profession?

Contribution le : 07/09/2009 18:41

 0  #49
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 10/08/2005 21:11
Post(s): 2290
Karma: 612
yeah moi aussi j'ai atteind le "It is doubtful that this phrase will ever reach equilibrium."

avec la phrase " Mr. Corleone never asks a second favor once he’s refused the first, understood?"

Contribution le : 07/09/2009 21:59

 0  #50
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 02/11/2004 10:43
Post(s): 103
you shall not pass!
bYou should not pass!
You should not have passed!
You do not need to be passed!
You do not need to be passed!

Equilibrium found!


Do not want!
Please do not choose!
Please select Please do not!
Not Purizupurizu select the!
Purizupurizu looking!
Select Purizupurizu that!
Select Purizupurizu it!
Purizupurizu it!

Equilibrium found!


I can has cheezburgerz?
Cheezburgerz How can I?
Cheezburgerz How do I?
Cheezburgerz I do?
If Cheezburgerz?
If Cheezburgerz?

Equilibrium found!

Contribution le : 07/09/2009 22:29

 0  #51
Haha énorme ce jeu!

Dans la famille pétage de plomb:

"to be or not to be to be or not to be "


"Please, two reasons: 1 1,111,111,111,111 One, two, one two or three batches."

Contribution le : 07/09/2009 22:32

 0  #52
J'aime glander ici
Inscrit: 07/03/2007 16:18
Post(s): 9277
Karma: 369
Pas mal ^^

Speed racer is better than Yu gi oh
into Japaneseスピードレーサーの遊戯王よりはましだ
More is better speed racer Gi-Oh!
King of Speed Racer is better Oh!
Oh King of Speed Racer is better!
Okinguresa speed is better!
Okinguresa excellent speed!
Okinguresa excellent speed!

I love koreus, it makes me addicted, what about you?
into Japanese私koreus、私は、何についての中毒になるの愛?
I koreus, I have become addicted to love about?
I have been fascinated with my love koreus?
Koreus I love being attracted to?
Koreus love is attracted to me?
Koreus love is attracted to me?

Contribution le : 08/09/2009 21:20

 0  #53
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 05/06/2008 18:47
Post(s): 4877
I fuck my cat and my dog suck my ass

ce qui donne:
Diseases of the gender of my cat and dog news

En Francais ca veut dire
Les maladies du genre de mon chat et nouvelles de chien


Contribution le : 08/09/2009 21:37

 0  #54
Je viens d'arriver
Inscrit: 12/09/2008 17:14
Post(s): 45
How can Chuck Norris be killed?
Chuck Norris died or can it?
Can be killed or Chuck Norris?
Chuck Norris can die or can I?
Can Chuck Norris can die?
Chuck Norris can I die?
Chuck Norris can I die?

Equilibrium found!

😃 Je l'ai trouvé plutôt magique celle là ^^ .

Contribution le : 08/09/2009 23:10

 0  #55
J'aime glander ici
Inscrit: 07/03/2007 16:18
Post(s): 9277
Karma: 369
Are you able to shut the fuck up ?


In another case I Dekimasure Why you need to shut down?

^^ je suis accro

On peut s'en servir aussi comme correcteur de language :

Get the fuck off!
Please fuck off!
Please. Fuck off!
Please. Get out!

Ou bien transformer des insultes en poésie distinguée

Your mother, you fucking, i swear the fucking god i am gonna rip your head off !

Records, or God, my head is, the promise of the heart, I am your mother's tears

^^ toujours accro 🙂

De mieux en mieux !

Its time to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and i am all outta gum!

In some cases, cigarette butts, all my kicks outta Chuingamuchuingamuchuingamu!

j'adore !

Contribution le : 08/09/2009 23:15

 0  #56
J'aime glander ici
Inscrit: 07/05/2008 15:44
Post(s): 9839
Karma: 1068
Phrase de départ : Hello, My Name is Val
Phrase finale : Al Qaïda will be more powerfull that the USA

!!!!!!!!!!!!! ENCORE UN COMPLOT !!!!!!

Contribution le : 09/09/2009 00:20

 0  #57
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 28/03/2008 12:36
Post(s): 2306
Q : Don't you know, talking about the revolution ?
R : What we are talking about revolution?

Je parle avec mon nouvel ami \o/

Contribution le : 09/09/2009 01:26

 0  #58
J'aime glander ici
Inscrit: 07/03/2007 16:18
Post(s): 9277
Karma: 369
Merci lesspy pour l'idée ingénieuse ^^ c'est génial

Are you able to think by yourself ?
I can think for themselves?

Do you parle english ?

Can you understand what im saying?
Im not understand

Le japonais ca donne des mots bizarres

I'm sick of you, poor javascript software ...
Jabasukuriputosofutouea I feel tired ...

La suivante, j'étais sur le cul !

Would you like to dance with me once?
I do not dance I Itakatsu.

Pourquoi on lui pose certaines questions ?

Can you do something ?

On peut meme complimenter son créateur

Please tell your developer that ha has done such a great job !
Please. C language and ideas, this development, and other working conditions?

(je vous jure que c'est lui qui a changé la ponctuation 🙂

Bon des fois, faut avouer qu'il balbutie

I am so worried about Koreus members, they look like impressed by you !
Koreus me: I come from you, from me is to be impressed with the following members!

En plus il est croyant et il sait quand s'arrêter ^^!

Oh my god, this software is so smart, im pissed off !
Im in the heart of God, this software is tired!

Contribution le : 09/09/2009 02:33

 0  #59
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 13/06/2004 16:40
Post(s): 3956
My cat sleeps on my bed and he loves it.
My cat is sleeping on his bed and I'm loving it.
I have my cat sleeping on the bed and he'll love it.
He and I have a cat sleeping on the bed I'll love it.
He and I have my cat sleeping on the bed you'll love it.
He and I have a cat sleeping on the bed I'll love it.
He and I have my cat sleeping on the bed you'll love it.
(ça se répète une dizaine de fois)
It is doubtful that this phrase will ever reach equilibrium.

ça dégénère très vite des fois :
I see the paw of my cat hanging in front of me.
Please I am hanging in front of my cat's paw. (o_O wtf ?)

Contribution le : 09/09/2009 11:38

 0  #60
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 15/12/2004 20:53
Post(s): 1266
Citation :

Dieu-Val a écrit:
Phrase de départ : Hello, My Name is Val
Phrase finale : Al Qaïda will be more powerfull that the USA

!!!!!!!!!!!!! ENCORE UN COMPLOT !!!!!!

Lol.. et dire que je l'ai essayé :roll:

Contribution le : 09/09/2009 11:53

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