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I Dream In Retro
 0  #1
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 22/04/2006 00:08
Post(s): 4046
Karma: 1349
Un homme qui a un peu abusé des jeux vidéo rétro a décidé de partir dormir. Toutefois, ces rêves sont pixelisé et ressemblent a un gros cross over des jeux nintendo et sega.

Edit : Overs, concernant la boulette, j'ai appuyé sur A et Tab en même temps. Du coup, en appuyant sur espace, ça a appuyé sur le bouton "valider".

Contribution le : 05/06/2010 15:54

 0  #2
J'aime glander ici
Inscrit: 22/05/2010 16:15
Post(s): 7193
Citation :

DoubleZ a écrit:
Un homme qui a

oublié son lien? 😃

c'est bon mnt.

Contribution le : 05/06/2010 15:56

 0  #3
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 14/05/2010 16:07
Post(s): 2826
Karma: 170
Y'a de l'idée

Contribution le : 05/06/2010 16:09

 0  #4
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 19/03/2009 15:44
Post(s): 2268
Karma: 221
j'aurai bien voulu en voir plus... Vidéo super chouette !!

Contribution le : 05/06/2010 17:14

 0  #5
J'aime glander ici
Inscrit: 17/10/2008 17:35
Post(s): 7277
Belle vidéo 🙂

Petit clin d'oeil à sa copine quand il filme son lit.

Citation :
Thank you all for commenting and everything! I'd love to hit you all back but there are HUNDREDS of awesome comments here and I just wont be able to keep up. Just know I really appreciate all your comments! 😃 Note: You will need flash 9 or higher to view this. I also put a video of this on youtube. The quality isn't nearly as good but I figured, why not. [link] This is my first big flash animation. It's based heavily on a dream I had that was caused by a long day of playing NES, SNES, and Genesis. A lot of the animation is true to the dream with a few changes to keep it interesting. In the dream I was moving through different levels from many games. In each level the music was wrong and my sprite (while fitting the bit style) didn't quite work with the game. During the dream I was abusing a cheat ability to use different weapons from pretty much any game (of the same bit type) I wanted at any time. The game itself behaved as it should, with my actions being the only aberration. I wanted it to look as "real" as possible, as if it was actually happening in the games. Everything looks, animates, behaves and moves as close to the real thing as I could manage. Because of this it might not be as exciting and action packed as the flood of DBZ style sprite animations out there. Big thanks to the guy who made the deviant art preloader. Mine all sucked. Thanks also to my friends and the crew on the ElysianShadows forums for the input. And HUGE thanks to my girlfriend for putting up with me during the creation of this animation. I love you. Dedicated to anyone who has ever loved video games.


C'est quel jeu à 1'40''?

Contribution le : 06/06/2010 07:20

 0  #6
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 09/12/2005 16:32
Post(s): 82861
Karma: 8367
j'ai trouvé ça trop court 😞

Contribution le : 11/06/2010 11:05

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