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Ibiza Lights II - Timelapse
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Je masterise !
Inscrit: 18/10/2007 21:56
Post(s): 4876
Karma: 221

Citation :
Using the new generation of cameras I've Been Able to do this timelapse, a video made up of long-exposure pictures, joined together to show the movement of stars, clouds, shadows, all making a real acceleration of what happens in Many hours , to see Them in seconds.
99.9% of the video it s been done at night time, With The help of LED lamps, to illuminate rocks, trees etc ... When There Was no moon, I used Exposures from 30 to 40 seconds, Taking About 2:30 hours to do a sequence, But It's better When you see the stars and constellations.
I have also used the moonlight to do shorter exposures because the moonlight can be quite bright, depending on which phase is on. Some of the shots look like they have been done during the day. When you shot under the moonlight the exposure can be from 15 to 8 seconds and can take up to 1.15 hours, so I could shot the moviment of the shadow over the rocks, the moviment of the clouds during the night …
The pictures were all made With A Canon 5D Mark II and Canon Used lenses 16-35mm, Canon 24-70mm, Canon 24mm, Most Of Them Were Made at F/2.8, ISO 1600, 3200, 6400.
All the pictures are real, it looks like They Are too many stars. This is Because the human eye can not catch much light at night. The camera movement Has Been made by two types of sliders, the "Dynamic Perception" and the "Pocket Slider" where the camera moves A Few millimeters photo by photo, Creating this movement. This is all controlled by a small computer the MX2 Arduino Controller.
Most of These Have Been Made with shots the company of my friend Alejandro Iborra, sharing the Same hobby, Knowing That going out at night and spend long hours in very remote places and apologetic to get Into it, is some kind of risky business, Sometimes I Had to go out on my own and i got some fright.
And of course thanks to my wife and Alejandro Iborra's Wife for Letting us enjoy this hobby.
All pictures are made in the island of Ibiza, this is my birth place, a wonderful place to take pictures in their most beautiful spots, caves, beaches, mountains etc ... Where You can discover a different side of Ibiza than most people have never seen .

Contribution le : 15/04/2012 09:34

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