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Bec prothèse pour un aigle
 0  #1
Inscrit: 03/07/2002 23:58
Post(s): 75337
Karma: 36947
Un aigle avec un bec cassé a eu le droit à une prothèse, réalisé sur un logiciel 3D et fabriqué par une imprimante 3D.

"Sometime in 2005, Beauty the bald eagle was shot in the face by a poacher, which damaged her beak badly enough that she couldn't eat on her own. Animal rescue workers found her before she starved to death, and volunteers at the nonprofit group Birds of Prey Northwest nursed her back to health via tube-feeding and, later, hand-feeding with forceps. But it became increasingly clear that her beak was never going to grow back — meaning that Beauty would never be able to feed herself. She was on track to be euthanized.

But raptor specialist Jane Fink Cantwell, who dresses like Indiana Jones, refused to take "dead bald eagle" for an answer. She joined forces with mechanical engineer Nate Calvin of Kinetic Engineering Group, and together with other scientists, engineers, and even a dentist, they designed a nylon polymer beak that would perfectly replace Beauty's lost upper mandible.

Calvin developed the new beak using a 3-D modeling program, then used a 3-D printer to fabricate it. After an arduous procedure to attach her prosthetic, Beauty was able to eat, drink, and preen herself on her own."

Contribution le : 17/09/2012 14:37

 0  #2
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 08/05/2008 21:13
Post(s): 3542
Karma: 1928
Je m’apprêtais à poster la vidéo suivante mais elle traite de la même histoire que celle de ce topic. Vu que la vidéo n'est plus dispo, je poste la mienne.


Cet aigle s'est fait tiré dessus par un braconnier et a perdu une grande partie de son bec. Une prothèse s'adaptant parfaitement a été réalisée par impression 3D pour qu'il en retrouve l'usage.

Bald Eagle Gets A 3D-Printed Beak

ipfs QmNonVwLsvjVh48Fe3xvrLZWLG92GvNU6XkA6AWSqfC18D
(autre vidéo dans cet article)

Contribution le : 06/05/2017 11:20

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