Colass | 0 #201 |
J'aime glander ici
![]() ![]() Inscrit: 19/06/2007 13:44
Post(s): 6599
Karma: 72 |
Citation :
J'émets le doute que regarder cette vidéo permette de comprendre pourquoi.... Qu'elle permette de comprendre comment oui, que l'on puisse interpréter ce qu'il ressent oui, mais pourquoi, je ne sais pas. Exemple con: si tu me vois danser de façon gracieuse à la tombée de la nuit, tu pourras voir comment je fais, si je souris tu pourras te dire que je suis content mais tu ne pourras que supposer que je suis fou, bourré ou sous tu t'entretiens avec moi, je pourrais te dire que ma démarche est artistique et que je fais une aude à la lune... la tu pourras estimer que je suis fou...:-D je chipotte mais je vous ce que tu veux dire... nous sommes de toute façon curieux de nature et le morbide est attirant...c est comme le fait de tourner ou non la tête quand tu vois un accident de voiture...
Contribution le : 08/06/2012 16:35
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Invité | 0 #202 |
Citation :
En l'occurrence je peux pas trop me permettre de m'entretenir avec ce cher Luka là... Et si je te vois pas danser, que je lis juste un article comme quoi un homme a dansé au clair de lune avec trente théories différentes sur le pourquoi selon la presse, tu crois que je serai bien avancé? Non, je préfère t'avoir vu, avoir vu la scène, en direct ou en différé, pour me faire ma propre idée. Qu'elle soit vraie ou fausse, je la croirai autant voire plus que les innombrables qu'on trouve partout sur le net. C'est comme ça que j'avance dans la vie. Et concernant l'exemple de l'accident, je le réfute aussi. C'est pas parce qu'il y a un mort qu'on regarde, mais parce que c'est une scène qu'on ne voit pas tous les jours. Si je vois une célébrité je tourne aussi la tête. Pourtant c'est pas morbide. Je vais pas apprendre cela à des koreussiens qui viennent sur le site en quête "d'insolite".
Contribution le : 08/06/2012 18:28
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Sebmagic | 0 #203 |
J'aime glander ici
![]() ![]() Inscrit: 26/11/2007 22:04
Post(s): 6228
Karma: 2599 |
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Ouais faut pas exagérer non plus ![]()
Contribution le : 08/06/2012 19:14
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Invité | 0 #204 |
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Je voulais dire en étant curieux, en pensant par moi même, en allant toujours à la source si je le peux. Je voulais pas dire en regardant des vidéos pas belles...
Contribution le : 08/06/2012 19:36
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Invité | 0 #205 |
Ouai bah curiosité morbide quand même. C'est pas un hasard si TF1 nous passe la 32ème saison de Secret Story.
Il y a un publique pour ça, les voyeurs ce n'est pas ce qui manque. Il y en a un aussi pour les vidéos de mise à mort. Magnotta le savait et c'est en partie pour ça qu'il a fait sa vidéo: Pour qu'on le regarde, qu'on parle de lui. Après chacun regarde ce qu'il veut. Ca fait juste sourire d'en voir certains se débattre tant bien que mal pour expliquer que regarder une telle vidéo c'est aller "à la source de l'information" ou "penser par soit même" alors qu'en fait c'est juste de la curiosité de la pire espèce voir même un manque de respect pour les proches de la victime. Le matin à la radio j'entends qui s'est fait sortir de telle ou telle émission de TV réalité stupide. J'ai pas besoin de regarder la rediffusion d'images affligeantes de l’émission pour "m'informer pas moi même"
Contribution le : 09/06/2012 10:52
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ze_dadu | 0 #206 |
Je masterise !
![]() ![]() Inscrit: 05/06/2008 18:47
Post(s): 4877
Citation :
Secret Story c'est débile par les candidats mais aussi à cause de la prod' avec le montage. C'est pas de l'info. Magnotta c'est une chose ont on a entendu parlé beaucoup ces 10 derniers jours. Moi j'ai regardé entre autre pour "m'informer par moi même" SUR cette affaire. Des gens qui disent "c'est horrible et cauchemardesque" certes mais qu'est ce qu'il peut bien y avoir? Je pense pas qu'on peut engueuler ceux qu'ils l'ont vus, tout comme il ne faut pas blâmer ceux qui veulent la supprimer.
Contribution le : 09/06/2012 11:21
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Invité | 0 #207 |
Citation :
Tu dois pas aller bien loin alors.
Contribution le : 09/06/2012 11:23
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Invité | 0 #208 |
Luka Rocco Magnotta aurait apparemment commis d'autre crimes :
"I have some interesting new developments on the Luka Rocco Magnotta case which I’d like to share with those interested to learn more. As before, myself along with a few members of the Best Gore community have been digging out stuff behind the scenes and came across some interesting leads. Since Luka is now in detention and the process of his extradition to Canada underway, we’re gonna get many answers after investigators got a chance to speak with him, but until then, here are a few leads that came into light over the past few days. With help from Best Gore member Miket, I checked out a few YouTube accounts which may have been created by Eric Clinton Newman, which is Luka Rocco Magnotta’s real name, with an intention to build up a buzz around what was to be the worst murder on tape yet. He appears to have wanted to get people talking about the movie and wanting to see it, before he was able to post produce it for “official release” on the deep web. Best Gore was the first to publish the 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick video outside the deep web. I received it on May 25, 2012 and posted it on the same day. However the video was “announced” on YouTube as early as May 15, 2012. It contains nothing but the same still image of the murderer wearing a hoodie with only lips, mouth and hair sticking out as he holds an Ice Pick, while leaning forward with a Casablanca poster on the wall behind him, as was included at the end of the 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick video. The video was published by a YouTube account alexisvaloranreich and was titled “1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick Video (Non Graphic) Discussion Only”. Videos description stated the following: There is apparently a video circulating around the deep web called “One Lunatic One Ice Pick” Video. Does anyone have a copy of it? Here’s the embed of the video, though it really shows nothing but the same picture with which the murder on the 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick video concluded: Few minutes later, the same YouTube account alexisvaloranreich published another video titled “One Lunatic One Ice Pick Video (1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick Video) NON GRAPHIC DISCUSSION”. The video once again contains nothing but a still image of the man in purple hoodie with an ice pick in his hand, only this photo was taken at a slightly different angle. The description of the video stated: Discussion on the real snuff film “1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick” Video And this is the embed of it (once again, it doesn’t show anything other than a still image): Both of these videos were published on May 15, 2012, days before actual 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick was shared on the deep web. The poster of these videos clearly knew way beforehand that the video was coming which makes it more than fair to assume that it was our bellowed Eric Clinton Newman who posted them. The only question remains – was the actual murder committed on May 15, 2012 or did he simply announce the movie ahead of time, having already chosen his victim and planned out how he was gonna do it? I don’t think we’ll have an answer to that until the investigators got a chance to speak with Luka Magnotta. As we know, it wasn’t until May 29, 2012 when severed foot was delivered to Tory HQ in Ottawa, which would make it 14 days old if murder took place on May 15, 2012. He may have, however preserved it, along with other body parts in the freezer for a few days. Now… these YouTube videos have been seen by tens of thousands of people so telling you about them is nothing new. Where it gets interesting, is in the comments to these videos. If one were to go to a YouTube page of either of these videos and click on “see all” in the comments section to go to the page with all comments, at the very end of them, where oldest comments are, they would find comments which appear to also have been made by Eric Clinton Newman. Some of them even contain personal information only Eric Clinton Newman or someone from the family could know. Take this comment page for example: On the day the video was published, two different YouTube members commented on it – Genisismaster and adam lemmon. After their comments were made, there was no activity until May 25 when 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick was posted on Best Gore. The comments these two members made were as follows: adam lemmon: The video is real I saw it just now. Horrible. Cannibalism and necrophilia. Genisismaster: EXTREMELY SICK VIDEO ! Genisismaster: Apparently there is another video besides the “1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick” video of the same guy performing oral sex on a dead woman laying on a sofa? And killing a homeless man? I am still trying to find more information on all this. Very strange. This last comment is interesting, but we’ll get back to it later. All these comments were made on the day the YouTube video was published, days before anyone saw the actual 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick video. And then there is the “all comments” page for the other video uploaded on the same day by the same YouTube account named alexisvaloranreich: Aside from some interesting references to Best Gore made on that comment page, which make me wonder whether I got goosed on this myself, there is a comment made by YouTube account named Linda Williams. The comment states: It is rumored he murdered his Aunt Andrea Yourkin Loschiavo because she found out about his videos. He forced her to take pills and she died. There is rumors of a video of Luka performing oral sex on her on a video and he sold the video for a large amount of money. This is why I said earlier that we’d return to previous comments later. To reiterate, on May 15, 2012 YouTube member Genisismaster made a comment on videos announcing the upcoming 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick video in which Luka Magnotta’s aunt is mentioned. In the comment above, which was made two weeks later, while Eric Clinton Newman was still on the run, another YouTube account mentions Luka’s aunt but this time includes her name – Andrea Yourkin Loschiavo. One of Best Gore’s members has familiar ties with Eric Clinton Newman. Said members asked for anonymity so I won’t mention their name and/or how they’re related to Eric Clinton Newman, but I spoke with them and asked them if Eric did really have an Aunt named Andrea and if they knew anything about her. This is what they told me: Andrea Yourkin Loschiavo was Eric’s and his sibling’s aunt. She was forced to take pills until she overdosed an died. Her boyfriend was convicted of the murder as well as repeated sexual assaults of her and is currently in jail for it. She was a nice woman. I met her on several occasions. Erik had nothing to do with her or any other member of his family since 2008 or 2009. Andrea has a son Louie who is Erik’s cousin. Louie is a friend of mine. He (Louie) is in jail currently but him and his girlfriend named their daughter after Andrea. A few years ago there was a fire at the family home that was believed to be started by the youngest Newman boy playing with matches in his closet. The family however, say it was Erik trying to kill them all. The fire was caught before it did much damage at all and so far as I know, it was started in a second floor closet. Not sure what the starter for the fire was or if an accelerant was used or not. So while Luka Magnotta was still on the run, someone using a YouTube account Linda Williams commented on a YouTube video which appears to have been posted by Eric Clinton Newman 10 days before actual 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick was posted on the internet and it contains references to Luka’s aunt by her actual full name. Was the Linda Williams account also created by Luka? Was him associating himself with his aunt’s death just another far cry for attention similar to his earlier attempt to associate himself with famous Canadian murderer Karla Homolka? And was the “killing of a homeless man” reference about the currently speculated connection between Luka Magnotta and an unsolved case of human remains found near the Hollywood sign in LA, California? If the information I got from Eric’s relative is correct, than another man was found guilty of Luka’s aunt Andrea’s murder and is currently serving a sentence for it. Could it be that even though Luka was not the one who forced pills down her throat as he claims, that he did sexually violate her corpse by performing cunnilingus on her and filmed it before she was buried? But if that was the case, then why put off the release of the video? Luka seems to be quite hungry for attention and did not appear to delay the release of previous videos, whether involving kittens or a human, for too long. As a side note – YouTube account alexisvaloranreich which posted the two videos announcing the upcoming release of 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick liked 3 videos about serial killers from the past – Moors Murderers, Ian Brady and Myra Hindley. These findings raise many questions the answers to which may become available as the police conducts their investigations and interrogates Eric Clinton Newman after his extradition to Canada. Many thanks to Best Gore member Miket and the anonymous person with familial ties to Eric Clinton Newman for sharing their knowledge with me and the community." Source : -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- EDIT : et un petit bonus ![]() " Hypocrisy of the Sheep You see that graph up there – that’s a screenshot from which shows how much traffic has been getting over the past 2 years. As you can see, Best Gore has been steadily growing in popularity but it’s nothing compared to what happened over the past week. That massive spike at the end of the graph – that’s last week. And you know who these people are? The Sheep. Over the past 4 years, Best Gore has withdrawn millions of people from falsehood and put them steadily on their feet set firmly on the ground. It’s a process that takes time but it does bring fruit. Case in point – a massive spike in traffic like this can’t be achieved with aware people only. Vast majority of this new flood of visitors to Best Gore are the sheep. The same sheep that bitch on Best Gore in mainstream media and call for website’s shut down and my prosecution. What a bunch of hypocrites. As it turns out, the sheep only bitch at Best Gore because that’s what sheep do. They follow herd mentality so if one sheep bleeps against Best Gore, they all bleep against Best Gore. They don’t know why the hell they bleep against Best Gore, but every other sheep bleep against Best Gore and they want to belong. They want to show what deserving members of the herd they are. So away they bleep as loudly as they can. And then, when night falls on the city, they sit on their computer chair, look over their shoulder to make sure nobody’s watching them, lean towards the screen to shade as much of it as they can and sneakily log in to Best Gore because they just can’t resist. Bunch of fucking hypocritical losers. When sheep listen, bitch they do, but with no sheep around, they just can’t tear themselves off the site. Sheep = BUSTED! For 4 years I’ve been busting the sheep for the spineless, arrogant, violent pieces of shit that they are and look at me today – like in the old days. Still busting them sheep like there’s no tomorrow. You ignorant pricks, man up and admit what bunch of hypocritical fucking losers you are! You’re gonna bitch at Best Gore yet you can’t tear yourself away from its pages? You set moral standards for others yet you have none for yourself. How about you look in the mirror before you point a finger? Your fake morality disgusts me. Best Gore – 4 years of busting the sheep and counting. Bring’em on!" et "Tobi Cohen, a reporter with Postmedia News said: “Some believe you should face charges under Canadian obscenity laws. What’s your response to that?” Best Gore is a reality news website. Content you find on Best Gore documents real life events which really take place. I do not drive impaired, speed or resort to violence but unfortunately, there are many people who do. Their actions negatively affect lives of myself and other law abiding citizens. Best Gore exists to expose the evil doers for who they really are, though I’m not surprised they are offended with me showing their true faces to the world and want the site shut down or me charged with whatever they can come up with. How about they stop driving impaired, how about they stop speeding, how about they stop killing people – then there would be nothing for me to post on Best Gore, myself and other law abiding citizens would not have to fear for their lives and this conversation would not take place? Best Gore exist because evil doers do evil things. I expose them for it without hold backs or censorship. It’s true reality, just as life itself. As for suggested obscenity charges – it’s only thanks to Best Gore and the fact that I made the 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick video public in the first place, that Best Gore community was able to identify the perpetrator days before the police. Would you not rather know that the man who lives next to you is not that nice, quiet boy who’s friends with your kids, but a murderer with shady past? If exposing a murderer for whom he is and bringing his actions to the attention of the public and the police is a crime, then I better get put in jail, cause I’d rather be there than share the Earth with the sheep who support evil. Days before the Canadian police named Luka Magnotta a suspect, we had his name pinned down on Best Gore, after the community analyzed the footage and compared every fine detail with available information. As clues kept coming together, they eventually offered a pretty clear picture that the perpetrator was the same man who previously posted videos of kitten killings and that eventually lead us to the name of Luka Magnotta. As soon as we had that name pinned down and we knew the guy was from Canada, the findings were reported to the Toronto police. The authorities, at the time, did not find the information credible and did not follow up on it. Few days later, severed foot was delivered to Tory HQ in Ottawa. Case in point, it’s only because Best Gore exists and because this heinous video was publically shared that the community was able to come up with the name of who the suspect most likely was. Had the authorities acted upon the reports we made, they may have captured Luka sooner. Majority of Best Gore regulars are people who are victims of reckless, endangering or intentionally violent behavior of others. There are virtually thousands of people who admitted that after seeing what really happens when people behave recklessly, stopped acting that way. You can take a hundred drivers’ ed classes and it will have no impact on the way you drive, but after seeing a few pancaked heads with brain ejected out of skull and eyes pushed out of their sockets, you’ll think twice before you speed or drive impaired again. I have thousands of confessions from people who never once resorted to speeding or other reckless behavior after seeing some of the photos on Best Gore. The breaking point which changed them was the exposure to the material published on Best Gore. No previous drivers’ ed class, no tickets or class actions achieved what exposure to reality documented in its rawest, uncensored form as seen on Best Gore did. But more than anything – Best Gore is about real life. If you find Best Gore obscene, then you find real life obscene. Best Gore does not report on some fantasy world. It’s all photos and videos from right here, on our streets and in our neighborhoods. Are you offended by what you see on Best Gore? Well then speak out against bad drivers and violent people, not against Best Gore where these people are exposed. Best Gore has a proven record of achieving many changes for the better. How many lives have you helped to save? I personally really think it’s the evil doers themselves who want the site shut down. They feel threatened by the fact that I expose them so openly. Best Gore messes with what they think is their right to reckless and violent behavior and want it shut down and me locked up. People who are aware and don’t act recklessly or violently, support Best Gore because they don’t negatively affect other people’s lives and are victims themselves. Erin Chalmers, news reporter with Global Edmonton asked me “…what about the victim’s family? What do you say to them?” This question is very “mainstream media”. I can appreciate that the sheep are the target audience of the mainstream media which is likely why you’d ask it in the first place. The question is fundamentally based on a speculation that the family will feel a certain way (in this case, the way the sheep assume normal). But that’s not always the case. Case in point – there are still people out there left who care. Nothing can bring the family’s son back now. This is done. Whether the video is posted or not will change nothing on the fact that their son is gone. But they can, as many people do, choose to have his memory used to possibly prevent this from happening again in the future. The fact that I published the video in the first place helped a great deal. We identified the perpetrator days before the dismembered parts were delivered to the political parties. As soon as we had the perp nailed and knew he was a Canadian, it was reported to the Toronto police. The police, unfortunately, did not find the information credible and brushed it off maintaining that it’s surely a fake video. Had they acted upon the report, the perp may have been caught while still in the apartment in Montreal, packing up his parcel intended for Ottawa. If YOU were a victim’s family member, would you not be thankful for what Best Gore community did for him? None of us knew who the victim was and as such we had no emotional connections with him yet we still did what we always do – the right thing, to help keep the neighborhoods safer. I know that no good deed goes unpunished, but let’s not so readily assume that the victim’s family would not want to have the horrific death of their son be used to potentially prevent other such events from happening. Best Gore members took time off their day to help the victim and potential future victims by identifying the perpetrator and reporting it to the police. If public, police or other do-gooders make it to backfire, maybe next time, when it’s their kid whose belly is being stabbed with an ice pick, we won’t bother. Still, should a proven family member approach me with a request to remove the video, I would. Best Gore exists to make the world a better place, not worse. Though I can tell you right now that I receive contributions from people daily. Bad things happened to them and they want me to post it on Best Gore so others can learn and/or take steps to ensure it doesn’t happen to them. Yes, some people actually care. They are the ones who support Best Gore. Let’s not so hastily assume the victim’s family is not like that. And to avoid boring too much with media questions and my answers, here’s a bonus to finish it off with. David Ewasuk, reporter with CTV Edmonton said this after I turned down his request to appear on TV cameras: “I know you’re controversial and likely have many haters and requests, but… there would be a certain hypocrisy to only doing written responses and therefore having a great degree of privacy, when what you deal in shows what it shows. Thoughts?” Privacy is “the word” when it comes to Best Gore. Best Gore didn’t grow to be the most popular reality news website on the internet by backstabbing people. There are many wannabe Best Gore sites, but none comes anywhere near the amount of exclusive content I have. How is it possible? I’ve always respected the desired level of privacy and anonymity of everyone who gets in touch with me. The word on the internet travels fast. If I was not who I am, my support network would collapse very quickly. You said “I know you’re controversial” – I speak the truth and show the truth. Does that make me controversial? I suppose it makes me many things. I know for sure that it makes me hated. Like they hated Galileo for having the audacity to speak the truth. They want me silenced and burnt at the stake just as they wanted him. Does that mean I’m controversial? Eppur si muove! I don’t seek controversy out. I may point fingers at it but I’m merely a messenger, a bringer of truth, regardless of how controversial. Is a messenger who delivers a non controversial message any less controversial than a messenger who delivers a controversial one? I also don’t fully understand why you find me reporting on reality hypocritical with my uninterest in too much public attention. Best Gore has never been about drawing attention to myself. If it was, I would have dropped it a long time ago for not delivering results. I have nothing to hide, but I don’t care for promenading myself around with a banner above my head saying: “Yeah bitches, I own Best Gore. It’s me. Everybody adore me.” You work for mainstream media. Your target audience are the sheep. Yours is a business enterprise with primary intention to make money. CTV Edmonton is a business project with shareholder who expect to see growth in value. Unlike you, I don’t serve lobbying groups nor twist news to keep sheep happy so advertisers keep buying spots. And YOU call ME a hypocrite? The Sheep vs Best Gore Some of the questions I was asked bore a hint of upcoming trouble for Best Gore. An above listed question by Tobi Cohen that some [sheep] believe that I should face charges under Canadian obscenity laws, or a question by another reporter who said that certain Canadian MP (Member of Parliament) said that content posted on Best Gore was illegal (I do not know which MP said that, the reporter didn’t provide the name and I did not have time to look it up). Not one bit surprisingly, the sheep, instead of being thankful for what Best Gore community did for them, they turn to shunning the website and want me who runs it prosecuted. Every bit the type of behavior I would expect from the sheep. Trouble is – it’s a sheep world we live in. If you are an aware individual and get yourself into an argument with the sheep, you will have lost before you could even begin. Aware individuals are so few, they don’t even count as minority. On a large scale of things, their presence is so miniscule, they literally don’t exist. You’d have to look long and hard to find one and you can count on it that he/she won’t be easy to spot. In a world overrun with the sheep, an aware individual is oppressed and needs to hide, or worse yet… against their natural self, bleep with the sheep to pretend he/she’s one of them. They do exist, though. Sheep have herd like mentality. When one bleeps, they all bleep. When one takes a step to the left, they all take a step to the left. And unless you behave like the sheep and abandon all sound reason, they will turn on you and trample you with their combined power of a billion hooves. It’s a battle you cannot win. The sheep are too many. Whatever it is you have to say will not be heard because the combined yell of the sheep will always be louder. And now the sheep turned their attention to Best Gore. I don’t speak Sheepish, therefore I’m the enemy. I’m the reason for all the world’s problems and therefore I must be removed from the herd’s way. Different Type of Whistle Blowing When you think of whistle blowing, you think of exposing dirty truths about a powerful minority. Public exposure of these dirty little secrets they don’t want you to know about often results in pressure from many multinational groups. But there is more to whistle blowing than that. The reason being – there is more than powerful minorities with dirty little secrets. As a matter of fact, the group with some of the most repulsive secrets is the most populous and powerful on the planet Earth. I’m not what anyone would consider your typical whistle-blower yet this is exactly what I do. The only thing is – I blow the whistles on the sheep – the most criminal group yet, and one which puts even the most manipulative governments to shame. I blow whistles on humans, on Fleshy Viruses whose actions are behind most posts on Best Gore. I expose humans for filthy parasites that they are, for violent, gutless, spineless pieces of repulsive shit they like to pretend they’re not. Take the too-full-of-themselves sheep behind the wheel for example. They have more blood on their hands than all Mexican drug cartels, all countries at war and all gangsters from Brazil combined. The number of innocent lives these people destroy each and every day makes them the most efficient gang of killers in the world. Like any whistle-blower, I’m not liked by the groups I expose. Unfortunately in my case, that group are the sheep. And with tens of thousands of sheep to each one aware individual, my odds are pretty meek. Who Are The Sheep Who are the most likely people to have an interest in taking Best Gore down? It’s simple – those who are exposed on Best Gore for who they are. Those who cause the accidents, the pain, the suffering. Because if you’re a law abiding citizen who acts responsibly and doesn’t put lives and wellbeing of others in danger, then you’d have just as much interest in exposing the evil doers as myself and every other member of Best Gore. If on the other hand you go out of your way to keep the aftermaths of actions of evil doers hidden from public, if you’re so adamant about keeping the public in the dark about the real dangers of the world out there, then you have some skeletons of your own to hide in the closet. The lot of us who have nothing to hide want the evil doers exposed and the public made aware and we do it openly. To the lawyers, Members of Parliament, that fool from the radio station I won’t name who sent me threatening email yesterday, and everyone else oh so set on doing everything they can to take Best Gore down and have me charged with who knows what – I have a question for you: Why do you want the reality hidden from the public? What’s your agenda? Why are you so adamant about keeping people in the dark? Oops! Was I not suppose to say that? Did you want to keep public in the dark about this too? Sorry about that. But that’s what I do – I expose evil doers for who they really are. Just as I’ve exposed Luka Magnotta, I’m exposing you too. People deserve to know what’s really out there. You want to keep them in the dark, I’m not letting you. I’ve dedicated 4 years of my life to showing the people real, untruncated truth. It helped to save many lives, to make people more aware, to reduce the number of preventable disasters. If sheep get their way in manipulating this into a crime, then I’ll volunteer for the punishment myself. I’d rather spend the rest of my life locked up in a cell than spend another minute sharing the world with the sheep. And from inside the cell I’ll grin as disasters which would have been prevented if I continued to run Best Gore strike upon those responsible for Best Gore’s demise. You may be the sheep, you may have the power of a billion hooves, but you can’t control the thunders of time which roar louder than all of your bleeps combined. What I do makes a difference and it’s a cause I’m willing to suffer for. If sheep use it against me, then be it. I’ll do what’s right even if the entire sheep central gangs up on me. And if it gets me in jail, I’ll turn to dust on prison floor. After seeing the true face of humanity, maybe in those small specks of dirt I’ll find what I can’t see in any of you hypocritical, evil worshippers – honor and dignity. Just so you know, Canada – the world is watching! Mark"
Contribution le : 09/06/2012 14:05
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Wonderbat | 0 #209 |
Je suis accro
![]() ![]() Inscrit: 30/07/2004 10:22
Post(s): 640
HS : Pavé césar.
Contribution le : 09/06/2012 16:32
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DaSiiSaD | 0 #210 |
Je masterise !
![]() ![]() Inscrit: 03/06/2011 11:45
Post(s): 2967
Citation :
Ouai bah curiosité morbide quand même. C'est pas un hasard si TF1 nous passe la 32ème saison de Secret Story. A un moment donné on peut expliquer autant qu'on veut, quand on a des gens qui ne comprennent rien en face ça sert pas à grand chose. Citation : Le matin à la radio j'entends qui s'est fait sortir de telle ou telle émission de TV réalité stupide. J'ai pas besoin de regarder la rediffusion d'images affligeantes de l’émission pour "m'informer pas moi même" En plus t'es un bon niveau analogies. PiouNoir : C'est dur de vouloir participer à un débat quand on a rien à dire.
Contribution le : 09/06/2012 19:37
"Deux univers adjacents vivent en symbiose. Un univers fait de matière avec comme énergie, l'instinct. Un univers fait de métamatière avec comme énergie, l'intelligence." ClaudeDB, Chercheur en Croyance. |
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Invité | 0 #211 |
Citation :
Qui t'a dit que je voulais participer au débat ?
Contribution le : 09/06/2012 23:00
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DaSiiSaD | 0 #212 |
Je masterise !
![]() ![]() Inscrit: 03/06/2011 11:45
Post(s): 2967
Citation :
Mon petit doigt.
Contribution le : 10/06/2012 00:36
"Deux univers adjacents vivent en symbiose. Un univers fait de matière avec comme énergie, l'instinct. Un univers fait de métamatière avec comme énergie, l'intelligence." ClaudeDB, Chercheur en Croyance. |
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kabylus | 0 #213 |
Je masterise !
![]() ![]() Inscrit: 10/03/2005 15:22
Post(s): 4864
Contribution le : 13/06/2012 14:02
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Dakitess | 0 #214 |
J'aime glander ici
![]() ![]() Inscrit: 02/12/2007 22:32
Post(s): 6539
Karma: 99 |
Kabylus, c'est concluant ?
Contribution le : 15/06/2012 19:06
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NukyYou | 0 #215 |
Je suis accro
![]() ![]() Inscrit: 03/06/2011 07:52
Post(s): 757
il devient quoi ?
Contribution le : 15/06/2012 19:32
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Invité | 0 #216 |
Citation :
l'ont envoyé se faire sodomiser.
Contribution le : 15/06/2012 20:07
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Frann | 0 #217 |
J'aime glander ici
![]() ![]() Inscrit: 24/01/2011 14:33
Post(s): 8308
Karma: 1036 |
Citation :
C'est pas vraiment une punition pour lui :bizarre:
Contribution le : 15/06/2012 20:13
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Invité | 0 #218 |
ça dépend sur qui il tombe
Contribution le : 15/06/2012 20:19
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alixoux | 0 #219 |
Je masterise !
![]() ![]() Inscrit: 22/10/2009 19:28
Post(s): 2207
Karma: 181 |
Je comprends pas votre débat, chacun fais ce qu'il veut. Je veux dire par la qu'il regarde la vidéo ou non ça ne changera pas votre vie.
Puis de toute façon le mal est fait, une personne de plus ou de moins qui regarde la vidéo ça change rien. Ce débat n'a aucun intérêt vu que rien ne changera, que quelqu'un regarde ou non la vidéo.
Contribution le : 15/06/2012 22:10
Rien. |
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Heldarion | 0 #220 |
Je m'installe
![]() ![]() Inscrit: 03/06/2012 14:59
Post(s): 389
Qui c'est qu'à remis une pièce dans la machine ?
C'est Alixoux !
Contribution le : 15/06/2012 22:26
R.I.P Tibear ,disparu le 27/10/2011 à 11h31.Tu nous manque frère ![]() |
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