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"Transparent Specimen"
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Inscrit: 22/08/2004 22:53
Post(s): 13735

Le pays du soleil levant a fait un pas vers le monde de l'invisibilitee

Citation :
These colorful specimen samples are new technology which name is “Transparent Specimen”.
This technology let us see all inside body; muscle, pulse, vein, blood circulatory organ etc.
It is really shown to be of benefit for seeing inside of small animals such as small fish.
Since we can see inside body without opening their body with surgical knife.

To make specimen with “Transparent Specimen” technology, it takes some monthes to half year to bleach animal’s body.
Then give some special medicine to make protein clear.
Next, give some liquids to make cartilago blue, and bone is also changing color to magenta.
Though we can see all organs of small animals without break any part of body.

Nowadays this specimen is getting famous as interior objects as well.
Because of beautiful color and easy treatment.
In Japan we can buy this specimen around 500yen to 5000yen (depends size)
(It’s aprox $5 to $50 at Tokyu Hands in Japan)!

Contribution le : 03/07/2010 04:53

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J'aime glander ici
Inscrit: 17/10/2008 17:35
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Contribution le : 03/07/2010 07:27

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Je poste trop
Inscrit: 22/08/2004 22:53
Post(s): 13735
je capitule et clos definitivement mon passage dans cette section

Contribution le : 04/07/2010 16:14

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Inscrit: 03/07/2002 23:58
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Merci MicAy *pouf*

Contribution le : 05/07/2010 18:06

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