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Traverser la mer d'Irlande dans une roue d'hamster
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Inscrit: 03/07/2002 23:58
Post(s): 75422
Karma: 36956
Chris Todd veut traverser la mer d'Irlande dans une roue d'hamster (Tredalo).
Ca a l'air sympa à utiliser

Description YouTube :
A man is attempting to walk across the Irish Sea - in a human HAMSTER WHEEL. Chris Todd, 35, from Bromham, Wiltshire, will zig-zag 66 miles across open water for two days non-stop. He will power his metal wheel - which he calls a Tredalo - by walking on wire mesh, with two floats either side to act as stabilisers. The charity stunt will see him burn a huge 36,000 calories - almost three weeks worth - during the endurance feat. He will consume a whopping 30 litres of water and munch the equivalent of 60 Mars bars to keep energy levels up.

Contribution le : 10/10/2012 12:12

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