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 0  #1
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 08/10/2011 11:45
Post(s): 1830
Karma: 72

Citation :
CALDERA is inspired by my father's struggle with schizoaffective disorder. In states of delusion, my father has danced on the rings of Saturn, spoken with angels, and fled from his demons. He has lived both a fantastical and haunting life, but one that's invisible to the most of us. In our differing understanding of reality, we blindly mandate his medication, assimilate him to our marginalizing culture, and entirely misinterpret him for all he is worth. CALDERA aims to not only venerate my father, but all brilliant minds forged in the haunted depths of psychosis.

Contribution le : 03/04/2013 10:20

 0  #2
J'aime glander ici
Inscrit: 27/04/2005 15:31
Post(s): 7077
Mieux vaut lire le résumé avant de voir la vidéo je pense ; chose que je n'avais pas faite.
Du coup j'ai bien senti passer les onze minutes, mais sinon c'est joli.

Contribution le : 03/04/2013 21:10

 0  #3
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 22/05/2011 19:06
Post(s): 21552
Karma: 18274

Perso je ne savais rien avant de voir ce court-métrage, j'ai interprété la maladie comme un cancer, je n'étais pas loin finalement 🙂

Très beau court-métrage !

Contribution le : 25/08/2015 16:32

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