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[VO] Parti rhinocéros (partie politique canadien) en 1984
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Inscrit: 13/08/2008 11:42
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Parti Rhinocéros 1984

En 1984, le parti rhinocéros (partie politique canadien) a obtenu 5 minutes d'antenne à Radio Canada.
Seule et unique fois que ça s'est produit.
On se demande bien pourquoi, moi, il m'a convaincu, surtout avec le graphique.

Quelques unes de leurs propositions :
(Désolé copier coller en anglais, la flemme de traduire)
They once sent a letter threatening to declare war on Belgium when elected into office because of a Tintin cartoon where he kills a Rhino, unless of course they sent the party a case of Belgian beer and some mussels. Good ol Belgian obliged and sent them some beer and mussels.
Other things they've proposed:
Making Great Britain Canada's 11th province (we had 10 at the time, we still do but we use to as well)
Eliminate small businesses and replace them with very small businesses with less than 1 employee
Providing Higher Education by building taller schools
Amending Canada's Freedom of Information Act: "Nothing is free anymore; Canadians should have to pay for their information"
Adopting the British system of driving on the left; this was to be gradually phased in over five years with large trucks and tractors first, then buses, eventually including small cars, and bicycles and wheelchairs last
Changing Canada's currency to bubble gum, so it could be inflated or deflated at will.
And counting the thousand Islands to see if America stole any.

Via Reddit

Contribution le : 14/09/2016 02:50

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