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Dormir au volant + Personne au volant #Tesla #Autopilot
 1  #1
Inscrit: 03/07/2002 23:58
Post(s): 75520
Karma: 37060
Personne au volant de sa Tesla avec l'autopilot

Det Ansinn - @AlexRoy144 ...meanwhile, YouTuber and new #TeslaModel3 Performance owner, Alex Choi is posted this video to his Instagram story last night. It's probably the most reckless thing that he's done -- and that's saying something.

Il fait semblant de dormir au volant de sa Tesla

teslaphotographer - This video is viral on insta I thought I’d show you guys here. I love pranking people in my @Tesla sleeping prank 👍🏻😂 Youtube

Contribution le : 05/06/2019 16:32

Edité par Koreus sur 11/6/2019 21:03:58

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