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 9  #1
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 28/09/2013 22:55
Post(s): 4901
Karma: 1668

Fred Astaire in SMOOTH CRIMINAL [short film]

Parce que je trouve ça vachement bien fait et que j'étais passé à coté.

C'est quand même la grande classe!


Contribution le : 27/10/2020 14:47

 0  #2
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 05/06/2011 12:08
Post(s): 14956
Karma: 7090
On sait s'il s'agit d'un film sur lequel la musique de Smooth Criminal colle pile poil ? Ou si ce sont des images conçues avec les nouveaux moyens technologiques ?

Edit : j'ai trouvé réponse à ma question sur la page Youtube :

Starring Fred Astaire, Cyd Charisse, Leslie Caron
Choreographed by Michael Kidd
'Smooth Criminal' by Michael Jackson
Video edited by CFJ

Originally uploaded on my 1st channel in March 2008, then on my 2nd one on April 21, 2008, and also on June 28, 2009 (HQ version). This was the first in my MJ trilogy videos, which I made hoping that MJ would see it and just smile. It had got more than 2 million views in total until my former channel got deleted on December 8, 2010. My 3rd channel got deleted again in July 2013, so here's a re-upload. The following is the original description I wrote for the video.

I love both Astaire and Michael Jackson. I want young people to know Astaire stuff, that is why I made this. The video features scenes from the Girl Hunt ballet in The Band Wagon (1953) starring Astaire and Cyd Charisse (those supreme legs!! The most perfect body a woman could have. So sensual, so elegant), to which MJ gave homage in his Smooth Criminal vid (also in a performance of Get Happy on the Jacksons show in the 70s as well as You Rock My World in 2001), and, as an intro, a sequence from Daddy Long Legs (1955) featuring Leslie Caron (in motion pictures, you mustn't put a coin into a jukebox in an ordinary way!).

My initial idea was using also Yolanda And The Thief (1945) where Astaire appeared with the same costume, a white suit, hat and a blue shirt, but I eventually omitted it.

Michael Kidd worked with Janet in the Alright vid in 1990, featuring Cyd Charisse (in the red dress!), the Nicholas Brothers and Cab Calloway.

Contribution le : 27/10/2020 18:30

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