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Inject him with the Wuhan flu
 4  #1
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 08/05/2008 21:13
Post(s): 3542
Karma: 1928
Un gros troll de Sacha Baron Cohen qui a infiltré un rassemblement d’extrême droite à Olympia, dans l’État de Washington, déguisé en chanteur de country.

Citation :
Dans les vidéos, on entend l’artiste en salopette chanter des paroles sur l’ancien président Barack Obama, l’ancienne secrétaire d’État Hillary Clinton et sur Anthony Fauci, le M. coronavirus de la Maison Blanche, suggérant qu’on leur injecte la “grippe de Wuhan” et que le coronavirus est un “canular libéral”. Il mentionne également le fait de découper les membres de l’OMS “comme le font les Saoudiens”

Sacha Baron Cohen sing along

Paroles :

Obama, what we gonna do?
Inject him with the Wuhan flu
Hillary Clinton, what we gonna do?
Lock her up like we used to do.
Fauci don't know his head form his ass
He must be smoking grass
We got locked up by a clown
I ain't lyin' it ain't no joke
Corona is a liberal hoax
Dr. Fauci what we gonna do?
Inject him with the Wuhan flu
Inject him with the Wuhan flu
WHO, what we gonna do?
Chop 'em up like the Saudis do
Chop 'em up like the Saudis do
USA is the best
We don't need no COVID test
You're not gonna take away my rights
I don't care about your race
Get that mask off your Commie face
Take that mask off your Commie face
Liberals what we gonna do?
Inject them with the Wuhan flu
Mask-wearers what we gonna do?
Inject them with the Wuhan flu
CNN, they spread fake news
They're controlled by you-know-whos
George Soros and his nasty friends
Anderson Cooper is a liar
His [unintelligible] panties they are on fire
His panties they are on fire
CNN what we gonna do?
Inject them with the Wuhan flu
Journalists, what we gonna do?
Chop 'em up like the Saudis do
The ones who make this disease
Are the snake-eating Chinese
This is why they have small feet
Made it in a sushi factory
And put in on ships to you and me
[unintelligible] ships to you and me
Sushi-eaters, what we gonna do?
Inject them with the Wuhan flu
Chinese people what we gonna do?
Nuclear bomb like in World War II
Nuclear bomb like in World War II
Chinese people what we gonna do?
Nuke 'em up like in World War II
I hate Bill Gates let's turn him off
His penis is Microsoft
[Unintelligible] with micro chips
Scientists don't say one true
They don't love the red, white, and blue
Don't love the red, white, and blue
Bill Gates, what we gonna do?
Inject them with the Wuhan flu
Scientists, what we gonna do?
Feed 'em to a bear like the Czezchans do

Source :

Contribution le : 30/06/2020 16:47

 0  #2
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 29/07/2008 00:26
Post(s): 18991
Karma: 29871
Le roi des trolls

Contribution le : 30/06/2020 16:51

 1  #3
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 22/08/2005 22:44
Post(s): 4730
Karma: 666
Et beh, on peut voir la suite sur cette vidéo :

Sacha Baron Cohen Infiltrates Far-Right Rally (Full Video)

Contribution le : 30/06/2020 17:07

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