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un chat atteint d’hypoplasie cérébrale - Backflip avec des escarpins à talons hauts
 4  #1
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 04/06/2009 04:28
Post(s): 950
Karma: 1402

Video by orangeisthenewblackandtan

Video by jiembasands

Contribution le : 07/12/2018 03:20

 0  #2
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 07/07/2008 12:56
Post(s): 26241
Karma: 13552
1. Triste 😞 Mais bon, il a une maison, à manger, quelqu'un qui veille sur lui 🙂

Contribution le : 07/12/2018 04:01

 0  #3
1/ Pauvre minet...

Contribution le : 07/12/2018 09:00

 0  #4
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 09/12/2005 16:32
Post(s): 83739
Karma: 8806
1. Je marche à peu près pareil après avoir vidéo ma bouteille de Jack.

T'en a trop pris gros [SLG]

2. c'est capable de faire un salto, mais pas de faire trois pas avec des talons, on aura tout vu.

Contribution le : 10/12/2018 23:34

 0  #5
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 02/04/2018 17:37
Post(s): 189
1/ j'aimerai tellement que mon chat (enfin celui de ma femme) soit comme ça...

Contribution le : 10/12/2018 23:56

 0  #6
J'aime glander ici
Inscrit: 01/09/2013 23:46
Post(s): 8370
Karma: 5229
1) Je suis triste de voir ce chat dans cet état et content de me dire qu’il a une famille aimante qui lui permet de mener une vie heureuse. 😐

Contribution le : 11/12/2018 00:11

 0  #7
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 07/07/2008 12:56
Post(s): 26241
Karma: 13552
1. Tiens puis la description donnée sous la video
Citation :
For those new friends who don't know Phin very well yet, he has a condition called cerebellar hypoplasia. This means that the part of his brain that coordinates movement never fully developed. He's not in any pain, and he won't get worse over time, though there also aren't any treatments that would help him. He had a difficult time getting enough food in his system as a kitten, experiencing Fading kitten syndrome, but his foster mom, nurtured him with a lot of love and care, and he was able to grow into the wonderful cat he is now. 😻 Phin adapts to his condition by walking with his paws a bit wider, leaning against the wall for support, and using claws to climb up and down things. Phin is a very happy kitty who loves playing with his siblings (Tyrion the cat, and Holly the Airedale Terrier), eating meals and treats, and cuddling with his parents. 😻

Contribution le : 11/12/2018 01:07

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