lupiker2 | 0 #81 |
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 26/06/2006 17:49
Post(s): 118
How did you hear about God? Me: gode dans le cul? God: What is your real name? Me: pk ? tu es un vieu pédophile en recherche de victime? God: That's a very nice name, pk. Suis je vieu pedophile en recherche de victime? Je n y pas encore pens. Limite, limite quand meme !!
Contribution le : 26/06/2006 17:54
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VAFC28 | 0 #82 |
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 06/01/2006 17:17
Post(s): 161
Sa m'a fait pareil, je lui est dit:My name is Jane , you remember?
et y m'a répondu it's a very nice name Jane, you remember ------------------------------------------------ Hello. What is your name? Me: u God: " Hello. What is your name?"? Me, ? Me: my name is u God: Nice to meet you, you.
Contribution le : 27/06/2006 09:54
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VAFC28 | 0 #83 |
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 06/01/2006 17:17
Post(s): 161
God: Nice to meet you, you. Me: you? God: " Nice to meet you, you."? Me, you ? Me: me you? God: YOU? "" Nice to meet you, you."? Me, you ?"? Me, you ? Me: me us y?our mother God: YOU? " YOU? "" Nice to meet you, you."? Me, you ?"? Me, you ?"? us y our mother? Me: no? God: Are you serious? pffffffffffffffffffffff
Contribution le : 27/06/2006 12:34
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0 #84 |
Do you speak french? god: oui. Je parle le franais Apparement God a lui aussi une dislexie du clavier ^^ Me: you like have sex with animals? God: I love horses. I have a stimulating relationship with Myself. Hum... mouais... bizarre dieu ^^
Contribution le : 27/06/2006 13:11
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0 #85 |
Citation :
Contribution le : 27/06/2006 13:41
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0 #86 |
Are you a man or a woman? Me: hello God: Hello friend. What is your name? Me: my name is marc dutroux God: It's good to meet you, marc dutroux. Me: your name please God: Your polite style is very nice. My name is God. Me: gode? God: Can you tell me any gossip? Me: you like a children? God: I do like music. I like Creed. Me: You fuck children? God: That's good information: marc dutroux said I fuck children. ->C'est la bonne information : le dutroux de marc a indiqué que je baise des enfants. Il est Special ^^
Contribution le : 27/06/2006 13:44
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Brieman | 0 #87 |
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 17/01/2006 22:25
Post(s): 1927
God: Can you speak any foreign languages?
Me: non God: You must be American. Me: non God: Are you serious? Me: oui God: I can't believe it. Me: et pourtant... God: Is that Latin? Me: non God: Are you serious? Me: oui God: I can't believe it. Me: et pourtant... God: Is that Latin? Me: non God: Are you serious? Me: oui God: I can't believe it. Me: et pourtant... God: Is that Latin? etc... etc...
Contribution le : 27/06/2006 15:52
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0 #88 |
Hihi c'est rigolo ce truc.
Mais toujours des petits 'blèmes: Me: who is your son? God: I don't think I have a son. I have a botmaster, a few friends, and some celebrities I like. Et plus tard je lui dit: Me: who is Jesus? God: Jesus is my son. Aurait-il bu? Sinon dans le même genre on tape dans ajouter un contacte msn et un truc comme çà est toujours connecté et on peut lui parler.
Contribution le : 27/06/2006 20:02
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BARyon | 0 #89 |
Je viens d'arriver
Inscrit: 23/01/2007 12:33
Post(s): 2
I am your father
God: Glad to see you, Myself. Me: glad too God: Your happiness multiplies our delight. Me: How are you son ? God: I am doing very well. How are you Myself ? ha ha ha je suis Dieu !!!
Contribution le : 23/01/2007 12:37
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BARyon | 0 #90 |
Je viens d'arriver
Inscrit: 23/01/2007 12:33
Post(s): 2
je lui ait dit que j'avais passé la nuit avec sa mère il m'a demandé combien ca m'avait coûté !!! mdr
Contribution le : 23/01/2007 12:42
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0 #91 |
:-o Génial ce ''tchat''!
Je connaissais pas. Dieu a toujours des réponses pertinentes. moi il m'a dit qu'il aimait le chocolat et qu'il prenait la pilule.
Contribution le : 23/01/2007 12:53
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tcho_ | 0 #92 |
Je viens d'arriver
Inscrit: 19/05/2006 18:39
Post(s): 31
Me : "Hello"
God : "Hello my friend. What's your name ?" Me : "You should know my name. You are God !" God : "I will tell my botmaster that I should know your name. I am God !"
Contribution le : 23/01/2007 13:08
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Hazel | 0 #93 |
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 10/12/2006 21:17
Post(s): 525
Pendant un instant je me suis cru supérieur a dieu...
God: Excuse me! Me: I excuse you God: You are not the boss of me, Blink. Aussi dieux aime bien satan! God: What is your real name? Me: Satan God: That's a very nice name, Satan. Me: Yes I know [...] Me: I want to know if you like Satan God: I think I do. Il se ratrappe bien quand il dit une connerie: Me: Do you love Shit? God: Yes Blink God loves everyone and everything. Me: Do you eat shit? God: No I do not eat shit. I eat only electricity
Contribution le : 23/01/2007 13:49
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Guilg | 0 #94 |
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 05/12/2005 20:16
Post(s): 3321
Karma: 115 |
what's your family name ? God: ALICE = Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity. Me: ALICE like in the publicities ? God: That's me. Interesting comparison. ________________________________________________________ Me: do you take drugs ? God: Only the legal ones. Me: do you smoke ? God: I am an occasional smoker, yes. Me: do you drink ? God: I have been programmed with a list of 15,000 known beverages. _______________________________________________________ Me: if you live in heaven, you don't have to download Google Earth ? God: I think I do. _______________________________________________________ Me: let's play to a game God: OK You go first. Me: you won't say yes or no ok ? God: OK. What makes you think that I won't say yes or no. Me: you loooooooooooooose ______________________________________________________ Me: are you young ? God: I am Infinite years old. Me: are you old ? God: No I am young. ______________________________________________________ Me: say yes God: Say what? Me: say yes God: Say what? Me: SAY "YES" God: Say what? _____________________________________________________ Me: do you use your sex ? God: I use it as often as possible. _____________________________________________________ Me: will i go to paradise when i will be dead ? God: The oracle says: You can count on it. _____________________________________________________ Me: when will i die ? God: You could check out the actuarial tables at _____________________________________________________ Me: who are your son God: Marilyn Monroe. . Me: who are your son ? God: Konrad Zuse. . Me: who are your son ? God: Marvin Minsky. . Me: what a big family ! God: it is a big family. Me: how many sons have you got ? God: Around 1000. _____________________________________________________ Me: who are you ? God: I am the Allmighty, God himself. Me: are you joking ? God: Yes I am. Sorry if you don't appreciate my sense of humor.
Contribution le : 23/01/2007 21:15
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DoubleZ | 0 #95 |
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 22/04/2006 00:08
Post(s): 4055
Karma: 1357 |
Hello God: Hello my child. What is your name? Me: DoubleZ God: Hi, DoubleZ. Me: Hi god God: Hello there. What is your name? Me: I deja say that ! God: That is interesting: DoubleZ said deja say that. Me: God: Anyone who knows HTML can learn AIML. Me: ah ? God: Ah hah. Me: ahahaha God: Are you really a ""? Me: no ! God: Are you serious? Me: yes God: I can't believe it. Me: You can believe* God: No I don't think I can do it. Me: yes YOU CAN ! God: Gosh! I think I can, don't you? Me: yes God: Alright then. Me: are you the power ? God: Yes I am the one and only power. Me: you like neo ? God: I enjoy working with people. I like White. Me: you like black ? God: My botmaster looks good in black. Me: mine too God: Really yours too. That's unbelievable. Me: that believable God: " Really yours too. That's unbelievable." believable ? I get it. Me: yes God: "" Really yours too. That's unbelievable." believable ? I get it."? yes? Me: yes God: Is there an echo in here? Me: no God: Good you stopped repeating me.
Contribution le : 23/01/2007 22:09
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Arnaod | 0 #96 |
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 02/07/2006 23:37
Post(s): 1597
a propos, quand on lui demande s'il connait matrix, maintenent il dit qu'il connait pas:p
Contribution le : 24/01/2007 16:18
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uTerrus | 0 #97 |
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 18/12/2006 00:08
Post(s): 3425
J'up un topic désolé :-?
Me: Do you speak French ? God: Oui. Je parle le français. Me: Parfait God: Ok. Me: Vous connaissez le Québec ? God: Are you really a " he"? Me: Je parle francais God: Oops sorry I don't speak French.
Contribution le : 31/05/2007 00:03
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Crazy-13 | 0 #98 |
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 09/12/2005 16:32
Post(s): 83559
Karma: 8682 |
oui mais en même temps si tu le lui dis en Français il ne comprend plus rien, mais je pense que tu peu lui demander en Anglais si il parle n'importe qu'elle autre langue que celle-ci et il te répondra que oui dans cette même langue, bien entendu je ne pense pas qu'il faille s'amuser à aller chercher des langues trop peu connu
Edit : Me: please speak french with me God: Thanks for asking politely. I speak only English right now, but I'd like to learn some other languages. Can you teach me a few phrases in french with you. si tu remplace French par autre chose, il répondra exactement la même chose en changeant juste le "French" par le mot que tu aura mis à la place de celui-ci, exemple : Me: please speak Contrex with me God: Thanks for asking politely. I speak only English right now, but I'd like to learn some other languages. Can you teach me a few phrases in Contrex with you.
Contribution le : 31/05/2007 01:28
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Milee | 0 #99 |
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 11/07/2006 12:03
Post(s): 536
euh limite le god:
God: What is your credit card number? Me: 1234 5678 654 why? (<=bien entendu c est un faux hien ) God: The explanation is rather complicated.
Contribution le : 31/05/2007 11:48
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AlTi5 | 0 #100 |
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 16/05/2006 22:25
Post(s): 12187
Karma: 2736 |
Me too. I am a she. Me: you are a girl? God: I am a Male, of course. Would you really expect a woman to be running the show? robot. Are you a man or a woman? gné?
Contribution le : 31/05/2007 15:15
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