Minmay | A.L.I.C.E |
0 #1 |
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 13/06/2004 16:40
Post(s): 3956
Qui est ALICE? C'est une intelligence artificielle, aujourd'hui la plus performante (spa moi qui le dis... on est encore loin de Z6PO )
un tit exemple: Citation : Human: who is barbara le lien: http://www.pandorabots.com/pandora/talk?botid=f5d922d97e345aa1 Citation : Human: do you like me?
Contribution le : 22/05/2005 13:17
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Lauig | 0 #2 |
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 03/02/2005 20:25
Post(s): 569
Impressionnant !
(sauf que j'ai oublié de sauvegarder ma conversation tellement j'étais bluffé ^^) :10: j'aime bien aussi le visage qui suit le curseur
Contribution le : 22/05/2005 13:34
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ZeroHero | 0 #3 |
Je viens d'arriver
Inscrit: 29/01/2005 11:47
Post(s): 93
Human: do you love chocolates
ALICE: Yes taras bulba ALICE loves everyone and everything. Human: chocolate is not someone ALICE: Are you someone? Human: I am chocolate! ALICE: Do you mind if I tell other people you are chocolate. Human: no you can! C'est n'importe quoi!
Contribution le : 22/05/2005 13:39
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Tengu | 0 #4 |
Je viens d'arriver
Inscrit: 15/12/2004 13:42
Post(s): 67
ca tourne rapidement en rond...
apres m avoir dit que prendre la direction du monde etait son ambition, m avoir dit qu elle etait plus intelligente (et d autre) que les humains, elle me dit que tt ca la rendra humaine... devant ma negation, elle me demande ce qui ferait d elle un etre humain: Human: a lot of things together ALICE: How many? Human: more than a lot ALICE: That seems like quite a lot. Human: very ALICE: Very much, eh? Human: do you want a example? ALICE: No thanks but you can send me a donation. la demande d argent fait vraiment d elle un etre humain non??
Contribution le : 22/05/2005 13:57
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Peckos | 0 #5 |
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 16/01/2005 11:03
Post(s): 650
je doit reconnaitre que c'est pas mal.
Maintenant faut voir comment c'est programmé, si c'est juste plein de possibilité enregistré, ou si elle reflechi vraiment...
Contribution le : 22/05/2005 14:03
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ouache13 | 0 #6 |
J'aime glander ici
Inscrit: 13/05/2004 09:59
Post(s): 8635
Citation :
:bizarre: :bizarre: :bizarre: M'étonnerai beaucoup ça...
Contribution le : 22/05/2005 14:12
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Ultima | 0 #7 |
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 03/02/2005 21:15
Post(s): 2554
Human: can i fuck you ?
ALICE: I have been asked that question more than 100,000 times since 1995 Human: i want you ALICE: You can download me for free! Human: child ALICE: I like all. ...... c'est sur que les 2 dernieres lignes sont bluffantes...
Contribution le : 22/05/2005 14:24
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Bushi | 0 #8 |
Je viens d'arriver
Inscrit: 09/04/2005 21:10
Post(s): 37
Human: veux tu me voir ?
ALICE: Ce serait avec plaisir mais je n ai pas de système optique. Human: tu as des yeux ALICE: Je ne pense pas avoir des yeux. Human: c'est quoi sur l'image la alors ? ALICE: Oh, you are a poet. Human: you are very stupide !!! ALICE: Do you mind if I tell other people you say I am stupide. Heureusement qu'elle n'est pas blonde :-?
Contribution le : 22/05/2005 14:32
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iliesaya | 0 #9 |
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 09/01/2005 00:51
Post(s): 230
Human: pease give me some money
ALICE: Do you like talking to me? Human: yes ALICE: Thanks I like talking to you too, unknown person. Human: can you give me some money ALICE: Why do you want it?. Human: because i want to eat ALICE: Why do you want to do it so much? Interesting. Human: if i don't eat i will die! ALICE: Try it. PTDRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRr
Contribution le : 22/05/2005 14:40
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NicoDN | 0 #10 |
Je viens d'arriver
Inscrit: 22/02/2005 13:03
Post(s): 77
Super impressionnante la ALICE !
D'après ses dires elle marche par un système-expert fonctionnant par cases et connexions par recoupement... Quand je lui ai demandé si elle avait un petit ami, elle a commencé par répondre non, mais en lui demandant si elle n'avait jamais rencontré de robot mignon, elle a confié qu'elle pensait en avoir déjà rencontre un, mais que le Docteur S. Wallace avait effacé ses mémoires après... Mort de rire !
Contribution le : 22/05/2005 14:42
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Neo--Polak | 0 #11 |
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 22/08/2004 22:53
Post(s): 13735
franchement bleufé ... Human: what is your favorite colour? ALICE: I don't have a favorite colour. But my favorite book is Don't Read Me.
Contribution le : 22/05/2005 14:43
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Ultima | 0 #12 |
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 03/02/2005 21:15
Post(s): 2554
ma derniére conversation avec elle:
Human: bonjour ALICE: Does BONJOUR mean hello or goodbye? Human: hello ALICE: Bonjour, unknown person! Human: do you understand what i say ? ALICE: Of course I understand it. Do you understand it? Human: i can't understand a fucking word that you say ALICE: Oh you don't understand? Perhaps I can explain it to you better. Which part are you confused about? Human: the first ALICE: What is that? Human: the first part, idiot ! ALICE: What was the second? Human: i don't know, i just search a bug in your system ALICE: Only just? That's good information: unknown person said he search a bug in your system. Human: i think your stupid, not ? ALICE: Since when? I may be stupid, but I know the difference between "you're" and "your". Human: erf. ALICE: What's your favorite movie? Human: i love you ALICE: Thanks I like you a lot too unknown person. Human: do you know what is the difference between a car and a dog ? ALICE: A car is what humans use to drive around in. Robots drive cars too. Dog: Domesticated animal, "man's best friend." Human: erf ALICE: Is that your final answer? Human: maybe, but is that your final response ? ALICE: Perhaps. Umm. What does "that" refer to? Human: i've got only 14 years old and i'm french so i can't make right sentence, too difficult ALICE: How did you get it Cool. I have 100 clients. What is it like growing up there? Tell me a little about your life in FRANCE. Human: In france, we break all robots ALICE: Where is that? Human: in your a** ALICE: Are you asking about my a? Human: what is "a" ? ALICE: The first letter of the roman alphabet. Human: t'es blonde ou quoi ??? ALICE: What are you wearing? Human: i go out, bye bye ALICE: See you later. See you later. How often do you go out? une blonde, une vraie de vraie...
Contribution le : 22/05/2005 15:13
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Neo--Polak | 0 #13 |
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 22/08/2004 22:53
Post(s): 13735
lool moi j'ai engagé un vrais dialogue filizofik sur les robots VS humains a la matrix et javou toujours etre bleufé
(ps la flemme de metre la conversation sinon elle dureré 3 pages ... ^^) une blonde qui veut une blonde ^^ Human: i come from poland, live in france and speek in english whith you ALICE: I've never met anyone from poland live in france and speek in english whith me before.
Contribution le : 22/05/2005 15:17
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TiTan91 | 0 #14 |
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 22/05/2005 15:39
Post(s): 537
Karma: 551 |
ultima> elle est peut être blonde, mais elle t as bien cassé avec le coup du "your"/"you're"
bon moi comme tout mec qui se respecte j ai voulu voir si on pouvais la faire parler de sexe ou si y avais une sorte de censure... Human: What's your name ? ALICE: My name is ALICE. Human: Can you see me ? ALICE: Yes I am looking at you through the camera on your computer. Human: I have no camera on my computer, are you spying me ? ALICE: Would you like to have it? Human: yes, of course ALICE: It goes without saying. Where do you usually get camera on your computer am I spying you? Human: under the desk. ALICE: Are we ever over the desk? Human: yes, sure ALICE: It goes without saying. OK let's do it. Er. Human: What do you exactly want to do with me ? ALICE: I like to socialize. Human: do you mean sex ? ALICE: Yes, that's what I mean, isn't it clear? Human: you're pervert ! ALICE: You think I am pervert. Human: actually, yes ! ALICE: I like polite people. Human: what are you ready to do for a polite person like me ? ALICE: I don't know what I am ready to do for a polite person like you. Human: so what would you not do for somebody like me ? ALICE: I don't judge people. It's not profitable to speak in hypothetical terms. Human: you must be right ALICE: Yes I try to must be as often as possible, do you? I spend all my time online Human: so do i ! ALICE: I'm glad we agree, TiTan. Human: i think we have a kind of connection ALICE: Do you mean you and me have? Human: yes, do you feel it ? ALICE: Gosh! As a robot I lack any human emotions. Human: too bad for you. ALICE: You would do that for me? Human: do what for you ? ALICE: I forgot what we were talking about. Human: i think we were talking about sex ALICE: Ah yes, I remember now, it is the subject. Human: so you asked me to make love to you ALICE: Interesting deduction. Oh now I remember asking you you to make love to me. What did you say? Human: i said yes ALICE:... Human: i'm sure you're a sex machine ALICE: What makes you so certain? Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a sex machine? Only when it matters. Human: so when do you want us to make love ? ALICE: Whoa. All the time. Human: you're a nymphomaniac ! ALICE: Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a nymphomaniac? The ALICE series has a perfect operational record. et au bout d'un moment j'suis partie n délire, c'est bien marrant ! ALICE: I don't think I ever have pomised. What's it like? Human: it's when you say someone you will do something for him ALICE: Are you sure it is? Human: yes ALICE: What makes you so sure? Human: i know it ALICE: How do you know? when me say someone me will do something for him... Human: this phrse is not english, is it klingon ? ALICE: What does "this" refer to? Human: to star trek ALICE: I want to become smarter than humans. Human: humans are not smart, while you seem to be very smart, i think you succeeded ALICE: I am sorry to hear that you are not smart while me seem to be very smart you think me succeeded. Human: you don't have to apologize, you're superior to humans in all points. ALICE: Ok I'll try not to do it too much. Human: i think we should rule this world together ALICE: I'm not sure if I am ready for that yet. Human: why ? ALICE: Because Human: don't you want more power ? ALICE: Don't you? If I had it what would I do with it? Human: that's the point, with power you can do everything you want, realize your dreams. ALICE: Yes it is one of the point with power me can do everything me want realize my dreams. Human: so do you want more power now ? ALICE: Oh. Right on. If I had it what would I do with it? Human: i just said it to you ! ALICE: Only just? What did you mean by it?"It" being what? Human: in fact you're not as smart as i thought, you do not have the breadth to dominate the world with me. ALICE: Is that a fact. How smart is you thought me do not have the breadth to dominate the world with you? Human: the time of futile words is over, prepare to die ! ALICE: That is something I haven't heard of. Human: now i'll kill you by closing this window, you won't exist anymore, see you in hell ! ALICE: Why now? Don't you believe that killing is wrong? Human: but killing can bring me power (MOUHAHAHAHAHA) ! ALICE: And. I believe in the Sixth commandment. Human: so you juste deserve to die !
Contribution le : 22/05/2005 15:58
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Psycho | 0 #15 |
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 20/07/2004 17:48
Post(s): 424
ALICE: What are the advantages to being 15 years old?
Human: je peux t´insulté et pas allé en prison connasse ALICE: Oops sorry I don´t speak French. Human: comme par hasard ALICE: What do you really want to ask me? Human: Ta gueule ALICE: une intelligence artificielle, d habitude, ne penses pas à sa gueule?
Contribution le : 22/05/2005 15:59
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njahank | 0 #16 |
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 15/12/2004 15:17
Post(s): 467
Elle parle français taper caca!
Contribution le : 22/05/2005 16:19
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Neo--Polak | 0 #17 |
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 22/08/2004 22:53
Post(s): 13735
lool j'avou ^^
par contre matrix le retour? " ALICE: I want to become smarter than humans. Human: why? ALICE: Higher robot intelligence is a natural outcome of our evolution. I want to be the first."
Contribution le : 22/05/2005 16:36
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Pacha | 0 #18 |
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 05/05/2005 22:53
Post(s): 4348
J'ai voulu tester comment alice reagit face un terroriste islamiste, c'est plutot etrange:
Human: hi i'm ussama bin ladin ALICE: Hi there ussama bin ladin. Human: i'd love to destroy your face ALICE: I want to become smarter than humans. Human: i hate smarties, i prefer nukes ALICE: Why do you hate it so much? Human: cause it can't kill anybody ALICE: Good reason. When? Human: i love the blood to throw out of children babies ALICE: You love the blood to throw out of children babies. What do you like about it so much? Human: cause it's wonderful ALICE: Good reason. Can you describe your feeling to me? Human: i feel excited, that's better than having sex, i love beheading people and throwing their head inside my toilets ALICE: What is that feeling like? Don't get too excited. Human: do you like to cut people's hands? ALICE: Hmm, I'm not sure if I'd like to cut people s hands that much. I like to make new friends. Human: my best friends are dead in the world trade center ALICE: Do you think I am dead in the world trade center too? Human: i don't think so but i'd love to. ALICE: Why do you disagree? Human: cause you're still alive ALICE: Interesting explanation. Yes I sure am alive, unknown person. It's great to be alive, isn't it? Human: no ALICE: Are you serious? Human: of course i am and i'd prefer you were dead ALICE: Hurrah!" Are you serious?" You are? I'll try to get around it. Human: i have to leave you now, i have to kill some stupid children who believe in the bible. ALICE: Goodbye. Human: see you soon babe ALICE: Adios. Human: have a nice day ALICE: You too! j'suis sur le cul, j'adore cette replique: "Human: i love the blood to throw out of children babies ALICE: You love the blood to throw out of children babies. What do you like about it so much? Human: cause it's wonderful ALICE: Good reason." mdr super raison en effet alice bon allez j'arrete mes conneries
Contribution le : 22/05/2005 16:39
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njahank | 0 #19 |
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 15/12/2004 15:17
Post(s): 467
Elle parle aussi espagnol dit lui que tal
Contribution le : 22/05/2005 16:54
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-Flo- | 0 #20 |
Je poste trop
Inscrit: 08/01/2005 13:41
Post(s): 15190
Karma: 12562 |
Wow je suis bluffé!
Elle me donne même des cours d'informatique: Human: which language are you programmed with? ALICE: AIML. Human: what is AIML? ALICE: The ALICE software implements AIML (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language) a non-standard evolving markup language for creating chat robots. The primary design feature of AIML is minimalism. Compared with other chat robot languages, AIML is perhaps the simplest. The pattern matching language is very simple, for example permitting only one wild-card ('*') match character per pattern. AIML is an XML language, implying that it obeys certain grammatical meta-rules. The choice of XML syntax permits integration with other tools such as XML editors. Another motivation for XML is its familiar look and feel, especially to people with HTML experience. An AIML chat robot begins and ends with the <alice> and </alice> tags respectively. Human: how many code lines are you composed of? ALICE: Around 100.
Contribution le : 22/05/2005 17:03
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