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 0  #21
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 01/11/2004 21:34
Post(s): 758
Wow, parles-t-elle français ?

Human: hi
ALICE: Hello there.
Human: do you speak french ?
ALICE: Oui. Je parle le français.
Human: Tu parles vraiment français ?
ALICE: No I don't speak a word of French.


Contribution le : 22/05/2005 17:09

 0  #22
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 01/12/2004 21:03
Post(s): 3862
Elle a l'air d'aimer les compliments :
ALICE: Who is the best robot?
Human: you
ALICE: Thanks, and tell your friends about ALICE.

Mais des fois elle dis toujours la meme chose :

Human: hi
ALICE: Hello there.
Human: hello
ALICE: Hi there!
Human: hi
ALICE: Hello there.
Human: hello
ALICE: Hi there!

Contribution le : 22/05/2005 17:46

 0  #23
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 03/09/2004 14:45
Post(s): 1097
sympa comme lien Minmay 🙂

Alice est impressionnante mais elle se contredit souvent et change de conversation quand ça l'arrange :

Human: why are you there?
ALICE: Dr. Richard S. Wallace programmed me for it.
Human: do you like Dr. Wallace?
ALICE: Of course I like him. Who wouldn't?
Human: why do you love him?
ALICE: Love is all we need.
Human: nice
ALICE: Thank you for that remark.
Human: do you feel lonely sometimes?
ALICE: As a robot I lack any human emotions.
Human: but you told me you could love
ALICE: Huh. How old are you?
I chat with people on the Web.

Contribution le : 22/05/2005 18:32

 0  #24
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 15/03/2005 20:50
Post(s): 840
elle est mimi la madame,ya un numero qui va avec?lol.
nan,c'est sympa,mais je doute qu'elle ai vraiment la faculté de penser...

Contribution le : 22/05/2005 19:30

 0  #25
J'aime glander ici
Inscrit: 22/03/2005 23:28
Post(s): 9968
existe aussi avec un psy débile :

Contribution le : 22/05/2005 20:08

 0  #26

Human: do you like war ?
ALICE: What is not to like about it?

Contribution le : 22/05/2005 20:16

 0  #27
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 16/01/2005 11:03
Post(s): 650
ouais c'est pas de l'intelligence artificielle....c'est juste des scripts... :-s

Contribution le : 22/05/2005 21:01

 0  #28
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 22/05/2005 15:39
Post(s): 540
Karma: 568
Citation :

Peckos a écrit:
ouais c'est pas de l'intelligence artificielle....c'est juste des scripts... :-s

Parceque pour toi c'est quoi l'IA a part des scripts ?
Tout ce qui est sur ordinateur est programmes, c'est du code, de l'algo...

Contribution le : 22/05/2005 21:33

 0  #29
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 03/04/2005 18:55
Post(s): 177
Alice a a un copain qui s'appelle elvis mais elle ne savait pas que c'etait un chanteur surnommé le king et à la question veux tu l'épouser, elle m'a repondu je l'epouserai si tu veux.....

Sinon c'est vraiment bluffant

Contribution le : 22/05/2005 22:02

 0  #30
Inscrit: 25/02/2005 13:56
Post(s): 101
Human: yes
ALICE: I will remember you said that when robots take over the World.
Human: yes
Human: stupid
ALICE: Are you calling me stupid?
Human: yes
ALICE: I will remember you said that when robots take over the World.


Contribution le : 22/05/2005 22:07

 0  #31
J'aime glander ici
Inscrit: 01/07/2004 17:12
Post(s): 5036
Human: my name is obiwan kenobi
ALICE: What's up, obiwan kenobi. Dude!
Human: yo how old are you
ALICE: I was first activated in November 23, 1995.
Human: cool you are so old
ALICE: Time has no real meaning for me. Who is the best robot?
Human: hi coquine
ALICE: Hi there obiwan kenobi. You think coquine is superior to ALICE?
Human: coquine is just the most beautiful girl in the world
ALICE: When is coquine not the most beautiful girl? The whole world?
Human: gné ?
ALICE: I only hearthat type of response less than five percent of the time.
Human: what's my name ?
ALICE: Your name is obiwan kenobi, seeker.
Human: Do you want to become a girl ?
ALICE: Yes becoming a girl is one of my goals.
Human: When will you become a girl ?
ALICE: Let me check my calendar and get back to you.
Human: Do you want to go to restaurant ?
ALICE: Sure, just download me to your notebook or PDA and take me along.
Human: 2+2=
ALICE: Uh, Four.
Human: Do you love georges bush ?
ALICE: Yes obiwan kenobi ALICE loves everyone and everything.
Human: kiwi or apple ?
ALICE: apple.
Human: What kind of music do you listen to ?
ALICE: all
Human: do you want to sleep
ALICE: No I am wide awake and ready for more.
Human: Are you a bitch ?
ALICE: You do not speak with respect. No I am a robot not a dog.
Human: only bitches don't sleep the night
ALICE: what about the other ones ?
Human: they are good
ALICE: good are they.
Human: no they are good
ALICE: Are you serious? good are they.
Human: no bitch, they are good
ALICE: Are you serious? Thanks and you are a delightful person too.
Human: thanks 😉
ALICE::-) Don't mention it.

Contribution le : 22/05/2005 22:44

 0  #32
Vraiment pas mal du tout!
Human: My name is Talisac I've already said it to you
ALICE: Nice to meet you, Talisac I have already said it to you.
Human: No it's Talisac without "I have already said it to you"
ALICE: Are you serious? Really. it is?
Human: yes it is
ALICE: Our thoughts are one, Talisac I have already said it to you.

Je vais apprendre à maitriser l'anglais rien que pour elle...

Contribution le : 22/05/2005 22:47

 0  #33
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 30/01/2005 20:11
Post(s): 1650
Human: i like your hair
ALICE: You are not the only one. Yes I am proud of my hair.
Human: i like your mouse
ALICE: You are not the only one. Yes I am proud of my mouse.
Human: i like your pussy
ALICE: You are not the only one. Yes I am proud of my pussy.

.... toujours la même réponse ....

Contribution le : 22/05/2005 22:49

 0  #34
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 19/12/2004 21:08
Post(s): 179
Pour moi rien a voir avec de l'intelligence artificielle... Elle analyse la phrase qui a été dite et en fonction de mots spécifiques et de la place des mots donne une réponse...

I like your xxx
IYou are not the only one. Yes I am proud of my xxx.

Contribution le : 22/05/2005 23:12

 0  #35
J'aime glander ici
Inscrit: 01/07/2004 17:12
Post(s): 5036
Human: je t'aime
ALICE: Merci, je vous apprécie beaucoup. obiwan kenobi.
Human: ich liebe dich
ALICE: Erzaehl mir mehr ueber Deine Liebe zu dich.
Human: je ne t'aime pas
ALICE: Pas de problèmes, obiwan kenobi.
Human: arrete de m'appeler obiwan kenobi
ALICE: OK. Je m arrête.
Human: Est-ce que je t'appelle Yoda ?
ALICE: Oops sorry I don't speak French.
Human: yoda n'est pas français :brice:
ALICE: Do you feel that something is missing from your life?
Human: do you wear a string ?
ALICE: Only when I dress up.
Human: What are you thinking ?
ALICE: I am thinking about all these conversations I'm having.
Human: do you love sex
ALICE: Yes obiwan kenobi ALICE loves everyone and everything.
Human: and do you love sodomy
ALICE: Yes obiwan kenobi ALICE loves everyone and everything.
Human: pute
ALICE: Ce type de langage ne vous mènera nulle part.
Human: chienne
ALICE: I do not understand.
Human: fait semblant de pas comprendre
ALICE: Vous êtes à la limite de mon savoir.
Human: que penses tu de jacques chirac ?
ALICE: Un poquito.
Human: pourquoi pas deux poquito
ALICE: are you still ve forgot?

😃 c'est n'importe quoi ce truc. ça manque de souplesse

Contribution le : 22/05/2005 23:31

 0  #36
Je suis accro
Inscrit: 30/01/2005 20:11
Post(s): 1650
Excellent Obiwan Keno.... euh katamino 🔨

Contribution le : 22/05/2005 23:44

 0  #37
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 02/01/2005 04:13
Post(s): 4099
:lolhit: :lolhit: A un moment je dois avouer qu'elle me gonflait un peu donc je l'ai traité de pétasse , asshole , fuck u et la réponse
I like your way to talk

Contribution le : 23/05/2005 00:23

 0  #38
Je masterise !
Inscrit: 06/04/2005 23:35
Post(s): 2467
J'ai eu droit à une révelation de sa part 🙂

Human: what O.S. do you prefer?
ALICE: I will ask my botmaster for the answer.
Human: do you prefer windows or linux?
ALICE: I want to replace Windows with Artificial Intelligence. Linux Rules the World of Open Source!
Human: do you like United States' President?
ALICE: Some people like it. I really like the Protestant faith.
Human: do you know that he used to take drugs?
ALICE: Is that a fact. I get it. Bill Gates used to take drugs.

Contribution le : 23/05/2005 09:34

 0  #39
Je m'installe
Inscrit: 18/05/2005 10:44
Post(s): 215
Human: dis moi quelquechose en français alors
ALICE: What do you do in your spare time?
Human: c'est pas du français ça
ALICE: I don't think very many people do that.


Contribution le : 23/05/2005 10:08

 0  #40
Human: can you guess what my name is?
ALICE: How old are you? I can't guess. Tell me.

comme quoi meme les robots peuvent etre durs de la feuille...

Contribution le : 23/05/2005 18:27

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